How to swallow properly

You can have me pre chew your food and feed you like a beautiful baby bird

Do not worry my lovely, i’ll get ban soon again for like 3 weeks and you will get 3 weeks of diaries!

I’ll give you the sweetest of baby bird tweet noises in your succulent ears my cute muffin.


And the cookies you make have the perfect amount of calories and nutritional balance you can eat one, or 50 and not gain an ounce or have it affect your health.
grabs a cookie… and sits down

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Turn your trusty dagger into a trusty toothpick

I strategically wear helmets that help with our eating problems. Mostly helmets that help keep my jaw together.


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Reading the title made me go :open_mouth:

After reading through it, it made me go :worried:

I heard if you dont tell 3 people a day, and start an argument with at least one of them that they kick you out of the veganclub.


Its even worse. The Vegan Police come and take away your Vegan Powers

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