How to survive as Fury

Just seem to not be able to have any sustain facing rares or just hard content. I can’t seem to change my character on my pc or phone. If you want to see, it’s Darkchilde on Zul’jin.

Gear is 230’s , but if there are any aoe’s (like the worm, mother spider or similar) I end up standing back with like almost no health and throwing axes. And yes, I do get out of the fire. But I seem to be the proverbial “glass cannon”

Bloodthirst will heal you for 3% of your total hp. Enrage Regeneration is a 30% dr and restores 20% hp. Spell reflect what you can. Rallying cry when the group will take AOE damage. Warpaint tallent is a 10% dr that should be up most of the time. You can also take Impending Victory for a short cd 40% hp instant heal.


well bro… it doesnt get better. eventually youll be doing 15-20s and pulling aggro on tanks, or as soon as they die you die instantly a second after them because of aggro. can’t see anything on the ground because of kyrian spear and you have to sit in it to get the most out of the damage lol.

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You want to rally when people might otherwise die. The hp rally gives is the last to be used before death, so if that buffer is never touched, rally effectively did nothing. Assuming rally gives you 30k hp, if you are at any level over 30k hp when it falls you are losing 30k hp. Anything below sets you to 1. Rallying high is a waste.

Yes that’s correct at a high level of play. This person just needs to know what the options are. Getting down to the exact point to use abilities is not where they are at. They just need to get use to using their abilities. Just using your rally at all will improve your gameplay and your healers will be happy. Most starting warriors don’t even click the button.

In AoE situations, I don’t try and kill everything so quickly. I systematically kill stuff so I can use my Impending Victory to heal myself. Also, don’t forget about Ignore Pain as that helps your survivability a lot as well. Less damage is better than dead.