I feel like I must be an idiot here since no one else is asking this, as far as I can tell, but as a baby level 10 Unholy DK, how do I summon the permanent pet? The Raise Dead spell summons one for 1 minute, but if I activate the Unholy spec, a permanent ghoul pops out of the ground like a normal pet.
I see nothing anywhere in the spellbook about summoning this thing. He just vanished after logging out and back in. Only way I can get him back is re-activating the Unholy spec, but surely I’m doing something wrong?
Only UH has permanent pet.
Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at and why I was confused.
I figured it out–the talent “Raise Dead” replaces “Raise Dead” with the permanent pet. I was confused because, even without that talent, you get the pet automatically when you spec into Unholy. So idk why this talent even exists rather than just having it be a baseline ability for the spec.
There’s two. One in class tree generally and the unholy tree. Honestly it should’ve only be one in class tree that provide passive for unholy pet permanently. But we waste a point into unholy for it.
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yeah but if it’s in the CLASS tree then every spec would be able to get it.
That’s why it’s in the Unholy tree.
Should still be baselined though…
I see why it is confusing, UH gets it perma in the spec tree, essentially making the class tree one a wasted point. It really should be baseline for UH.
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Okay I think I understand now…
As soon as you hit level 10 and select unholy spec you automatically summon the permanent pet. HOWEVER, the talent to summon a permanent pet can’t even be selected until level 13. In fact, you can go several more levels before being forced to select that talent that effectively does nothing.
I’m assuming this is a bug - you should NOT be summoning a permanent pet by switching to the unholy spec despite not taking the permanent pet talent.
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I experienced the same problem on my brand new level 10 Unholy DK. I then picked a timeline from Chromie and after I went through the cut scene I had my permanent pet back. So I guess it is a bug.