How to STOP auto targeting

Is there a macro I can put in front of all my instant attacks to stop my character from auto targeting my nearest enemy (player or NPC).

I’m not sure why this was removed from the combat interface options. It was available in CLASSIC WoW. When I’m done fighting a mob and accidentally hit arcane shot (or any other cast), I automatically target the next nearest enemy and attack it. This is obnoxious because I’ve broken so many crowd controls with it.

This is the macro I thought would work but didn’t.

/cast Arcane Shot

It stops the attack, but it doesn’t stop me from auto targeting the next nearest enemy. I have to hit the escape key if the wrong nearest enemy is auto targeted.

I just want to make it so my toon doesn’t attack unless I manually click on the enemy I’m attacking. None of this auto target nonsense.

Add this as the first line after #showtooltip

/stopmacro [noharm]

That worked… just seems like such an odd way to make it work. I really hate having to macro that into all my instant attacks.

But it works so I’ll have to live with an extra few macros.


I wouldn’t bother, personally. IMO more hunters run into problems with tab targeting because they haven’t set this properly than they do pressing the button and initiating an attack:

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange",1)

The above CVar prevents your auto attacks from continuing until you press a spell after tab targeting.

/stopmacro shouldn’t affect your auto attacks at all. The /stopattack in your original macro does though.

The previous macro stop thing didn’t work.

Well, it did work in that it stopped me from auto targeting, but it caused a bigger problem by stopping my auto shots and killing my dps. I don’t want to stop auto shots… I do want to stop auto targeting.


It did work. Thanks… I still don’t understand why Blizzard removed the stop auto target option from the modern game in the interface panel. It was in the classic version.

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What’s the full macro you were using where auto attacks stopped?

Yea, I updated my response. Got it to finally work.


so post the macro wtf


got what to work???

Likely the original + stopmacro addition minus the stopattack at the end. Could’ve replaced it with startattack, though I’m not sure that’s actually needed since autoattack should just start automatically once you start casting abilities.

/stopmacro [noharm]
/cast arcane shot
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