How to start with no rating

How would one go about getting into rated arenas if rating is required and you don’t have any?

I just started trying arena for the first time. I just post in LFG that I’m new and learning and I’ve met some cool people in the same situation.

Start a YOLO group

What would you say would be a good title? I tried “New to arenas but not pvp” and I feel it turns people off like they know its going to be bad.

“______cr lf whatever class you want to play with”

So my rating is the number next to the sword in the rated tab and that’s what I would list?

ya prob put something like
“chill games” “chill cap” or something

people are toxic
if you can get friends or guildies or something to play a ton with you, you’ll have a much better entry experience


“Low CR. Looking for healer to cap.
Chill games.”
Welcome to 1400.

Or I guess if you’re a Rogue “LF Mage”

Ok great thanks guys, got good ideas. So my rating is now 955 the number next to the sword. That is what people go off of when you apply for their group and also what I would put when I make my own e.g. 955 CR lf dest lock/rest druid?

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I put “hot local singles near you” And get plenty of bites


Just Write Chill Game or LF CAP. If you write Chill Game, people will know that you won’t be raged and wanna do casual pvp, no string attached. If you write CAP, it means you wanna CAP your weekly pvp bar for gear in weekly pvp chest. if someone write CR/EXP/XP means they want someone experienced and same CR.

People who use ‘chill’ in their LFG might as well be saying, “I’m awful don’t yell at me.”

What’s your goal here? Keep in mind goals are measurable things, not just, “I want to get better.”

Do you want a certain rating? Do you want to reach a certain amount of wins? Do you want to get a above a set win rate?

Knowing where you fall in the ladder is probably the most important thing to realizing who you can be grouped with and play on an equal level. Like I’m not R1 quality so I’m not trying to grab every single person I know who is to come play with me. That would just let them down and make me feel disappointed. I’ve played this patch pretty consistently in the top 300-400 or so, sometimes above sometimes below. Yours is likely the bottom like 10% of the bracket. As you play you’ll get better and find people to play with that are better.

What’s most important when first starting though is to learn where you fall, realize when you get better, and to ditch partners that aren’t getting better at the same rate as you. In doing so you’ll constantly be rising to a higher standard. If you keep the same partners that don’t improve you won’t improve because this is very much a team based game.

There are ample people like you that don’t know anything about arena. Grab one of them, ditch when you get to their skill cap if you believe it is below yours. This isn’t being rude, this is about self-improvement.

On a final note, I recommend trying to play with people slightly better than you. Playing as the better player on a team doesn’t leave much to learn. If you’re constantly getting well placed CCs off just to have your partner slap a CC on top of it because they timed theirs poorly then you’re just fighting an uphill battle for nothing.


Kinda like the people who say “LFG no s***ers” are usually the ones looking for good players to carry them.


Apply for a guild or if you have the balls make one yourself
Right now it’s a lot like getting a job at McDonalds
You’re telling me you don’t know how to make a hamburger without going to Hamburger University first

Great advice here.

Also try and ask questions from players your class if you see they’re a higher rating.

Watch some streams. YouTube videos, and don’t feel bad about losing. Learn from it and pick a goal to perfect like (sapping off a blind) and prioritize nailing that and move to the next.

Don’t dwell on your replays, kid

That was like some serious life advice. I mean it applies to everything. Anyway, thanks I’ll definitely take into consideration my goal which is get the max level Corrupted Gladiators Badge. I played a lot of overwatch and used to get matched up with lots of masters and grandmasters so I’m familiar with basically dropping bads that don’t progress in skill.

Pve to pvp

Started 2 weeks ago for 2s and just written ret lf chill games 2s

And went on sessions of chill games where we didnt ragequit on losses and provided insight for each other. I have some pvp knowledge, not at high level but watching streams still make you learn eitherway. We ended to 1850 rating and my rdruid had only 2 rank one essence and 430ilvl.

First 1400 rating is literally train healer and kill him, then strats begin to show up in 1700+.

So biggest thing to do is don’t be shy to say you’re inexperienced, check some glads on stream and learn from these, help each other on what to do better, what made you lose, how you both could’ve done something to counter what happened, etc.

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Sounds about right.

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