Could someone tell me how to start the Hyjal quest line? I am level 61, I just finished Vash’jir, but now I’m unable to get the Hyjal quest from the command board no matter how many times I cycle through.
Where do I start Hyjal?
Could someone tell me how to start the Hyjal quest line? I am level 61, I just finished Vash’jir, but now I’m unable to get the Hyjal quest from the command board no matter how many times I cycle through.
Where do I start Hyjal?
I feel like the portal and quest to kick that off may be around the Tauren area in Org but it’s been a while.
I think there’s a questgiver in front of the Hyjal portal in Org.
Apologies if I’m remembering wrong.
There’s no quest from that guy Apparently he is where you turn in the Command Board quest but I can’t get that one.
I’m stumped, sorry. It’s been too long since I did Cata zones.
And the portal at the Cata portal area isn’t just open for you? Also what about Moonglade?
I am not at home to check and find it myself so I am just guessing.
I just remembered–try looking inside the warchief’s tower. There’s usually several questgivers in there for different expansions.
Actually I was able to get it from the Command Board. Turns out for some reason it wasn’t prioritizing my Chromie timeline - I had to take the quests for almost every other zone in the game before I saw Hyjal. Thanks all!