How to start Allied Races after using 120 boost?


So I just recently came back to WoW and boosted a mage to 120 on Horde. I want to start doing the High Mountain Tauren quest to unlock them but I cant seem to figure out how to begin unlocking allied races? I went to the ogrimmar embassy but there’s no quests there to start anything. When I played my DH on Alliance and leveled normally to 120 I had indications that tell me to check these things out but it seems like boosting to 120 just skips past everything. Any idea on how to even begin unlocking high mountain? I read online that people used the scouting map but I dont even have Skyhold unlocked to look at the scouting map since the npc in Dalaran isnt there. However, I just did part of the class Hall quest that gave me a artifact weapon. And Meryl Felstrom just gave me another quest called Finding Ebonchill. Will that help me in anyway to unlocking high mountain tauren? Or do I have to play through Legion on the boosted toon to begin any allied races stuff? I am extremely confused as a returning player haha.

any help would be greatly appreciated


on your mage?
Skyhold is the warrior class hall, so you’ll never have access to it on your mage.

Mages get Hall of the Guardian, and it sounds like you’ve already got access if you’ve got an artifact weapon.

you’ll need to complete the Highmountain quest chain.
you should be able to select Highmountain as a questing option from the scouting map in the class hall

Ahhhh right. Yea I eventually got the scouting map when I continued the class hall quest chain. Now I’m in high mountain getting rep. So when I finish all the quests in high mountain what happens next? I know I will still have to get exalted, but I’m also missing a quest for allied races Called “the call for allies” which I think is suppose to be from the embassy in ogrimmar?

currently, you’ll also need exalted with Highmountain, but I believe the reputation requirements are going away with the expansion pre-patch (the date hasn’t been announced yet, but we’re looking at weeks, not months)

the quest “the call for allies” won’t appear until you meet the current questing and reputation criteria

If you want to unlock Allied races quickly with no rep requirement, wait a couple weeks until the prepatch goes live. I personally would spend the time leveling more characters to 120 now.

“The Call for Allies” quest is an optional breadcrumb, and it can be a bit weird about showing up. Don’t worry about it, it won’t block you once you’ve hit the pre-reqs.

As has been mentioned, the rep requirement goes away for Shadowlands, probably with the pre-patch in a few weeks.

However, if you don’t want to wait, then your next step for grinding rep will be to unlock world quests by completing the quest “Uniting the Isles” from Khadgar in the Violet Citadel. If you’ve already unlocked Legion world quests on another character, then you can just turn the quest right back in. (If not, you’ll need to quest enough in each of the zones to get to friendly with their faction.) As a note, if you haven’t unlocked them on a character but your Demon hunter is closer to friendly with more of the factions, you may want to use them to do the initial unlock so you can get the “easy” version of the quest on your horde character.

Once world quests are unlocked, do all the Highmountain world quests each day, and make sure to do the Highmountain and Kirin Tor Emissaries when they pop up. (The reward for the Kirin Tor Emissary is a rep token of your choice.)