How to show blizzard how much you dislike the dmg reduction

As a community, just don’t play the 4 days the dmg reduction is in place. If enough of the community stuck it out and really came together to show how bad of an idea this was and the player drop they got for the 4 days. They’d probably actually pay attention and listen to the players.

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It’s fine. Why are you spamming the forums with this?

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says the priest lmao. it’s not fine. healers are once again immortal, just like phase 1. 10-20% dmg reduction would be fine, 50% actually makes pvp worse than it normally is.


what’s your class and spec?

my main benefits from it quite a bit, and i hate it. warlock, nf/ruin mostly.

I agree that when we fight against healers who actually know what they’re doing is very tough, but it’s almost never the case

Better Calm Down Rookie

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I just watched one dwarf priest fail to drop under 45% hp with 2 warriors and a warlock on them for over a minute.

people are already not playing because of how bad it is. BG queues are in the toilet right now. skip the rest of this phase tbh. its pure trash. some of the worst content (with reused stv pvp even LOL)

that priest was the rare good one, and I agree, a veteran priest just won’t die and will win a 7:4 skirmish, or even 2:1, been there, done that

2v1 against a very good priest healer: a random rogue keeping pressure with MS and kicks + me with 5 stacks of sniper training, somewhat perfect trap cd management… we just couldn’t down the priest

maybe (probably?) the rogue ate every fake cast, idk, but it doesnt matter too much, cause really good priest healers are very, very rare

You guys can try to defend the dmg reduction all you want but here’s the facts, Classic WAS ALWAYS Bursty. Was it as quick as a 100-0 with 2 Spriest dots? No. But it was a Charm, Curse of elements, maybe trinket pop, Soul fire Shadowburn burst. Stuff that requires setup and can be done. It can’t be done now. A Chaos Bolt crit now doesn’t even take 30% hp off someone now unless they’re running am irradiated set and no stam gear. Healers in every Player vs Player game have never been a role where they can tank and not die when getting attacked by dps. Overwatch, could you imagine if a mercy could just face tank and heal herself vs a Genji or something? That sounds full blown idiotic. I can understand a Spec BUILT to be tanks for a clothie LIKE SOUL LINK. But a HEALER? A rogue, their biggest enemy SHOULD BE ABLE TO BURST THEM DOWN.

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People who don’t like the damage reduction don’t know how to PvP. period. you were being carried by broken SOD runes/mechanics and increased damage…and now you are throwing a tantrum. Quit, don’t come back =)

Calm down rookie.
If you think your 4 days of protest and not playing are gonna make a change you need to think again. Blizz already has the money. You threaten to quit- that is fine there are just as many people or bots lined up to pay. In fact you are really nothing. Just another endless voice in the wind.
People are already not playing blah blah. That is ok, they will be back regardless. Their dopamine levels in the game have already been struck. They have to play.Even then, they have already payed.
Good healers that actually know how to pvp are rare. Now they are able to last a bit longer than a 1-2 second high burst.
This is where you dps classes should pay attention- healers rely on mana. They are easy to cc especially wait for it-when you work as a team. If you can’t outright kill them, then cc them.
Classic WAS NOT always THIS bursty. Blizz had to do something. Think about it smarty- why would no one play healers in pvp? Cause they couldn’t even heal the damage being done. It was worthless to try and heal when someone would be dead in 1-2 shots.
Overwatch- that is a different game so it is irrelevant here.
Yes, a rogue should be able to take a healer down but not in 1-2 shots.
Ya need to stop being over dramatic here and crying that sky is falling.
If it is too much for you then take the train and go to a pve server.

not really bc they’re still getting that sub fee