How to remove just the Personal Resource Bar under the health bar

I am trying to remove the bubbles (for rogue) under the health bar which is located right below my character.

Doing Interface > Names and uncheck Personal Resource Display will get rid of the health bar as well but I am trying to keep the health bar.

I am using Plater but Plater also specifically states that I need to have the above option checked to have the health bar displayed.

Is there any way to get rid of the bubbles but keeping the health bar?

There should be like a combo points on target cvar or something. Try looking for it with AdvancedInterfaceOptions CVar browser.

I don’t know if it will fully comply with your wishes, but there is an option in Plater that you can have those CP bubbles appear on your target instead of underneath your character & still have your health bar under you.

I don’t use the health bar below me option, but I do use the Show Resrouces on Target option for CPs.