How to remove Floating Name over current target?

How to remove Floating Name over current target? Not the nameplate, its a red/yellow/green name hovering over selected targets. I disabled NPC names too and disabled health bars. How can I remove the name floating above? Its a pain/eyesore/distracting to look at and takes away from the immersion.

I seem to remember something similar came up in the UI forum a while back when someone wanted to get a screenshot while targeting their pet without it showing the text. Unfortunately, I don’t think a solution was found. At this point, you might want to use the in game suggestion tool (under the help menu) to request that turning off NPC names applied to targetted stuff as well.

Esc > Interface > Names and uncheck all the boxes where you don’t want to see floating names.

However, sometimes those floating names appear as indicators that these mobs are the ones you want to kill to complete a quest objective. I don’t believe those can be turned off in the interface options.

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You can turn it off. There’s the “NPC Names” drop box.
Just click none if you don’t want to see them at all.

That does not work for the mob you have targeted. Targetting the mob will always show it’s name regardless of your name settings.


Hmm good point. My bad, sorry. It’s just the way the game is I guess.

Another idea would be to get a nameplate addon and hide the nameplates completely while having said toggle before on none.

I found one way to do it; if you get the elvui addon, you can go to options → Nameplates → Enemy NPC (Or whichever kind of target you want to remove the name for) then go to the ‘Name’ subsection from there, and there will be an option called “Text Format”. By default I think it should say something like [name] in there. Delete it and hit Ok.

That worked for me!