How to reach dreamgrove?

I finished my druid quest to get the claws of ursoc, but i was never given the ability to open a portal back to the dreamgrove…how the eff do i get back there?

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It’s the old ability that used to take you to Moonglade. It now takes you to dreamgrove.


Your Moonglade teleport spell should now instead take you the Emerald Dreamway, where you have access to several portals, including the Dreamgrove.

Alternatively, you can run in there following a path in Val’sharah.

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I do not have that ability either :frowning: i remember it being a thing, but i made a fresh druid, and i have none of the portal abilitys.

There is a path leading up to it you can follow. Non-druids will get punted back but druids will pass into the Dreamgrove.

Check your spellbook. It’s there. Don’t forget that your abilities are stupidly split up into different tabs now. So check your base druid tab and not the spec tabs.

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I know they didn’t remove it because I use it last night. Not sure what to tell you. If you look at your spell book, they added a new tab for spells that are shared by all specs. Maybe it’s in there?

Teleport Moonglade is now a Level 22 spell. Which means, more or less, that you’ll hoof it to Moonglade and Dreamgrove if you’re doing Legion Leveling…


Oh FFS, Blizzard. :woman_facepalming:t4:


haha, yeah i see it there lol, what a massive fumble on their part…go to legion at lvl 10, cannot get to place i gatta be lol

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Well, that’s just dumb af.

Yeah, that definitely needs to be a lvl 10 spell.

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not to mention its on the other side of the entire map…i dont even think i can get down to the legion area until i finish the quest lol

I’ve been hearing stories about people not having stuff they need to get places, because Blizzard didn’t take into account any of the level restrictions for Timewalking Campaigns. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, I reported this on the PTR awhile back. One of the many things overlooked.

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welp, guess ill start swimmin…jumped off dalaran, away i go lol

(must not laugh)

What race is your druid?


My druid is still logged in from the screenshot I took if you want a ride.


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zandalari troll, so my racial was a good help

I will log on to my Horde Druid and make an LFG Group - Grumbles and give you a ride if you like.
