That…would make things oh, say…16.7 billion times worse.
They tried fishing dailies with different ones and achievements for the capitals. I don’t recall making it much of a difference.
Yeah I don’t understand why they felt the need to remove the portals from the other areas. It wouldn’t kill them to make all cities usable.
everyone loved Ironforge. it’s now dead.
oh, the tiles we counted.
Not 16.6, and 16.8 would be ridiculous…but 16.7.
Goldshire too. Horde doesn’t really have an equivalent of that really.
I think a good way to go about repopulating cities in Azeroth would include not destroying them to begin with, followed by removing any purpose for having them.
What purpose is there to going to any of these other cities?
I think that perhaps would be a precursor to solving the issue, creating a unique aspect to each city with rewarding experiences, and activities. No I don’t mean like the darkmoon fair, but actual unique vendors and things exclusive to each race that would motivate people to visit, or stay.
I’m not sure if making the cities “lockable” behind a rep grind or anything of that nature would add value to doing so, many of us are burned out on grinding in SL, especially those of us who kept playing since release. I’ve had to take 1 month hiatus (3 total) during this expac, but i’ve 13 max level toons to show for, not max geared though.
I also like the concept of sieges, but I think this is the opposite direction Blizzard is heading towards. Any sort of unique activity to each location whether pvp or pve related would be a massive improvement. If they made Gilneas a restored alliance city it would ad some value for PvPers, and potentially unique quest lines maybe with unique transmog not locked behind raids. Perhaps unique armor sets you can get from quest chains of the same quality in appearance as some raid sets (though perhaps more leveling oriented).
I prefer Lordaeron and Silvermoon over Durotar period. I lived in a Desert for 8 years of my life, I don’t want to play in one lol.
I’m an ironforge kinda dwarf. For obvious reasons. Bring me back to classic days when I’d gawk at 60s wearing full tier sets
Quick note, Boralus and… Whatever the Horde equivalent are have portals to all the other (surviving) major cities and hubs. SW and Org have portals to those locations, and they’re accessible from level 10 so long as you grab the quest and do the brief intro.
It would be interesting to have more interactivity with portal NPCs, for instance. Charge a 1-5 gold fee for a portal, a-la Darkmoon Faire folks, as a nod to the old custom of tipping mages for portals.
Would also help if they stopped invalidating old hubs because they no longer have their hub portals… Maybe I want to chill in NR Dalaran, or in Pandaland, or even Oribos. Can’t, only portals are back to SW/Org, which means I have to load again to Boralus/Horde Island… Same problem as my first point.
Yeah, that is why I was suggesting they add unique events, activities to each area, other wise no one will really go there outside leveling purposes.
There’s a portal from Org to Undercity then from Undercity to Silvermoon. Idk about exodar or teldrassil, I think there’s one from uh…the Horde BFA city to Thunder Bluff.
That could be cool, so long as they’re mostly equidistant. It would even be cooler if you could somehow see the same players after some time if you pick an off-the-beaten path city like Darn or Silvermoon.
Could be like a cool community thing based on what city you choose to hangout in.
:’( but but thats where i stay /cry
=( in retail, I have to go back and forth to oribos and if it wasn’t for that, I would 100% stay in ironforge.
Classic though, IF is my home I like staying there. I got a little dwarf pally I play sometimes and I love all the dwarven stuff.
I say ditch the Portals and make Mages useful, again. I feel like I don’t need a Mage with all the portals everywhere.
that sounds awfully awful lol
Problem is on our server there is no bottleneck and after midnight there is 0 people even on.
we have a few people on, on bleeding hollow past midnight. But even during the day it feels a lot slower than it was when I first arrived in the server. They need to attract more people to WoW including younger generations, but they’re having a difficult time of this task.
If you want cities to be populated, we have to get rid of flying and go back to certain proffesion trainers and services being in designated cities.
Flying ruins everything about the open world. You’ll never encounter anyone because everyone moves at lightspeed passed each other.
God, no.
IMO every city just have everything including 1 portal to each faction’s main portal room.
Go where you want, instead of where you’re obligated to be.