How to politely tell a guildie their dps isn't up to par for Mythics

Be honest. My casual raiding guild is always ready to bench people if it means progging. It’s only right to do the same elsewhere.
If he doesn’t want to improve then he isn’t going to be doing keys. No one likes being told they’re bad but it’s an important step for improving them.

I don’t think there’s an actual polite way. Just tell the truth that unless he doesn’t improve with the tools given to him, he can’t come because it is holding back the progress.

1.5k DPS is insanely low for ilevel 200.
How much time does he put into the game? He might simply not practice enough to really get a handle on his rotation.

I would certainly mention to him how Prideful works. How it does more and more party wide damage until the healer can’t kill up and the party wipes, unless ALL of your DPS pass the DPS check. There is a hard DPS check every 20% in 10+ keys, and with a 1.5k DPS in there the healer will need to work a lot harder every pull, even with the other two DPS being smart about cooldowns. If the healer is also pushing the high end of what they are capable of, they will wipe to a 1.5k DPS on a pride.


Set a minimum dps requirement for the higher content. If that person can’t make it, then bench them.
As others have said you could still run lower content once in awhile as a Guild event.

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  1. I’d be politely honest with him.

“I am sorry, but you are not yet ready to step in to ‘high’ Mythic Keys yet with your current ability.”

  1. Tell him you wouldn’t mind helping him to improve over the next week or two, getting him to use the abilities appropriately, manage cooldowns, positioning, etc. Let him know that these things will be required, to certain or many degrees, for Mythic–Just as it might be for Raiding as well; Training for two fronts, if s/he or would be so inclined. And set aside time to actually train them. Don’t be one of ‘those people’ that says something, then never does it.

  2. If he declines #2 again, or doesn’t wish to improve whatsoever, then it’s time to be frank. You’ve tried before, you tried again, and s/he doesn’t appear to want to put in the effort to better themselves in the hopes they may not be a hindrance to others. It would be at this point that you tell him/her that, with their current ability, there are many reasons not to take them in to higher Mythic Keys–with much of the evidence being that they are adding much frustration and tension to the group in several ways.

  3. How is a 200 item level boomkin only doing 1.5k dps? That sounds like purely dot damage…

My guild is the same way, so I get it. I’m actually having a similar situation with a healer and a boomy right now. The boomy is willing to learn. The healer is not. It’s difficult.

Yeah… I know. Especially in a laid back casual environment. But you still need to approach progression as progression. I gave my guildies specific requirements and goals to reach. They weren’t over the top, but they are in place. I explained that we want to set the team up for success and we want to bring ourselves into a challenge and have fun with it, bit part of that fun is also achieving our goal and bringing down bosses and timing those keys. I had a long discussion in Discord with them and we went over how progressing through this higher content works and minimums required. It helped a lot.

Can’t help people who won’t help themselves


Ah that’s an awkward conversation for sure.

The fact that he’s been given direct constructive criticism already and refuses to heed it tell me you should just be blunt. You’ve already obviously engaged the topic (by giving the criticism and suggestions) so the talk has already started – just go that one step further and kindly say for your next +10: “Hey man, we need everyone to be around 3.5 sustains dps for this”

He’ll get the picture.

Let him know you’re willing to still run lower keys while his performance improves.

We have a few guildies who aren’t ready for +10s but they fortunately know their limits and acknowledge it. I’m usually the one to say : “…eh, I’m not sure if we can host a carry this time.”

It’s even more awkward if they don’t care about timing or anything but you and the rest of the crew do. You could also use that as your reasoning; that perhaps those +10s are not just for fun, but also progression.

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I’ll need to check his armory (I will not link it for privacy; I’m not trying to call him out on here).

Legendary: 210ilvl Echo of Eonar


  • 15:Nature’s Balance
  • 25:Renewal
  • 30:Restoration Affinity
  • 35:Mass Entangle
  • 40:Starlord
  • 45: Stellar Drift
  • 50: Solstice

Conduits: (Niya)
Grove invigoration, Conflux of the elements, run without tiring, borna anew nature’s splendor, innate resolve, Fury of the skies, Niyas tool poison

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heres what you have to do. bring them into a org or stormwind get all of your guildies and yell at that person YOUR DPS SUCKS GG NOOB and /gkick them.

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Just gkick them and when they ask what happened, say “Oops mb” and then ignore them.

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Mind I don’t think this right, but considering he’s not taking advice, my guild put up a notation that if your dps wasn’t a certain amount you couldn’t do the raid with them.

So very true.

When you refuse help, yet expect the same rewards as those that are trying to do better? It’s not fair.

You tell him, and then point them in the right direction to improving.

Boomkin discord, mythic+ boomkin guide. It’s not complicated at all.

I mean you’re not being unfriendly. You just need certain dps to do high keys, like 3k+ for 10s and probably 5k+ For 15+.

Kick them, block them, report for harassment if they make alt to contact you

Tried it. I literally linked him the boomy discord server weeks ago when he said he was interested in trying normal CN.

He didn’t take it! And I know they’re a good group because I’m in the feral discord- they are VERY helpful! It’s as if he doesn’t want anyone helping him

Yeah, your numbers are off. You can time 15’s with everyone averaging under 4k dps in 15’s. So long as they don’t die a lot, and know the route. But it depends which dungeon you’re in. Once you get a group that starts to average 5k dps, you really should be on 17’s because you out gear the content.

You can also time 10’s with 3k average flat.

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So be it. You don’t owe him anything.

Either you stop bringing him, or other people won’t want to come anymore and they’ll look outside the guild for their groups. Would you rather have them keep playing, or have him keep playing?