anything else would be uncivilized
Arms is the hardest class in classic wow? That’s news to me.
Wrath ain’t Classic WoW.
yes. by far
Death grip. Death grip. Death grip.
wrong class bb
I definitely think warrior does have one of the highest skill caps. (Watch swiftly duels) I don’t know if it’s the hardest to pick up, but you definitely know when you have a good warr vs a bad one.
It’s classic wrath.
it certainly is amigo
Dude hit his head, just says the same thing over and over as if hes making a point.
So the thought hit me to compare Arms and Feral difficulty, but isn’t Arms literally Feral druid, but much easier:
Energy and combo points are harder resources to manage than rage.
Sunder(30 second duration, 15 rage, 5 stacks) is an easier to maintain Lacerate(15 second duration, 15 rage, 5 stacks)
Rend(15 seconds, 10 rage) is an easier to maintain Rake (9 seconds, 40 energy, awards 1 combo point).
Trauma(60 second duration, crit with a melee) is an easier to maintain Mangle(60 second duration, 45 energy)
Sweeping strikes(30 second cooldown, replicate 5 melee swings onto a nearby target) is an easier to use dps cooldown than Tiger’s fury(30 second cooldown, increase damage by 80 for 6 seconds, refund 60 energy)
Execute(15 rage and converts up to 30 rage into additional damage, only usable below 20% or through Sudden death proc, but when target is below 20% execute becomes the exclusive filler ability) is an easier to use Ferocious Bite(35 energy, combo points, convert 35 energy into additional damage, only usable when RIP and Savage roar are desynced with 5 combo points and the prio 2 abilities won’t suffer any loss of uptime).
Outside of those 5 abilities being functionally the same but Arms being easier to use, the rotation continues to be more of the same. Arms wants to keep rend up and not reapply it early, just like rake, but doesn’t require a GCD used on the bleed debuff being applied before using rend, when Sudden Death or Taste for Blood proc you should use Execute and Overpower ASAP but when Omen of Clarity procs for Feral they need to determine which ability is most effective before another Omen procs, Arms then use mortal strike(6 second cooldown, 30 rage) and slam(15 rage, 1.5 second cast time) as filler abilities which Ferals would use Shred(50 energy, positional requirement, builds 1 combo points or 2 on a crit) as their filler ability. Then if you need to dump rage you can use Heroic Strike(15 rage) which Ferals will also do when they swap to Bear Form to maintain Lacerate stacks since Maul(15 rage) is exactly the same as Heroic strike. For the big dps cooldown there’s Bladestorm which has a requirement that make sure that Rend doesn’t drop and not have any procs laying around before letting Jesus take the wheel, while Feral requires maximum energy before popping berserk where you then start rolling your face on your keyboard because you’re hyped for some high APM gameplay.
Now hold on, I know what you must be thinking, I mentioned Rip and Savage Roar earlier when I was talking about how Ferals rarely have an opportunity to use Ferocious Bite; but so far in comparing the rotations those 2 abilities are nowhere to be seen. Well that’s because the most crucial part of the Feral rotation is something Arms doesn’t even have a comparison for. Rip(12 second duration bleed, 30 energy, combo points) and Savage Roar(14/19/24/29/34 second duration, 25 energy, combo points, 30% damage increase buff) both must have as close to 100% uptime as possible. If you do not properly track your resources you will not be able to maintain 5 combo points on Rip and keep Savage roar up.
Well that was a fun comparison. Absolute waste of time, but it’s kinda funny that Feral does everything Arms does with shorter durations on the debuffs and then has even more plates to spin.
that was a well thought out post and i have to concede feral is the hardest class in wotlk
i have definitely hit my head a few times comes from a lifetime of combat sports the cte might be showing
I want to preface this criticism with the statement that I partially agree with you and believe in wotlk pvp feral has a higher skill ceiling than arms.
A lot of these comparisons are over simplified or misrepresent the reality in favor of your predetermined arguement. Your comparison between rage and energy for example making it seem like rage is an easier system is fundamentally flawed. You can kite or get kited and generate energy still, rage you cannot. This simple truth is a profound difference. I could nit pick half your points but i don’t really care enough to. (Slam as a “rage dump” like come on lol).
The real thing that makes feral higher skill ceiling than arms is all of the caster utility on top of relatively similar damage ability. It’s all that utility and its application that make feral potentially more complex than arms in the right hands. Just going by melee abilities, as you’ve tried to do here, wotlk arms pvp is more complicated than any other melee classes melee job because of stance requirements with a 25 rage cap. That’s why they gutted stance dancing in Cata, to lower the skill ceiling. That said, feral druid as a whole has a higher skill ceiling, I agree, just for different reasons than what your arguing.
It’s the hardest to do meaningful dps with As in they do bad dps.
Paladin is by far the hardest class to play in Wrath Classic.
I was expecting a post about afflic warlock and was disappointed.
Well I was just going off of the pve aspect. Certainly in pvp it’s not quite that simple. A feral druid stance dances with 3 resource bars, and a warrior stance dances with just rage. A feral has an easier time in that regard because 2 of their resources will be filled when they swap so there’s not much limiting the use of cc in the other forms. If I want I can effectively go bear or caster and use my abilities in those forms and it’s honestly better, since my energy bar regens while out of cat form. I pop bear for a charge, maul and mangle and Ill deal more damage to the secondary target that I would just using cat autos.
So I agree my previous post was very simplified and misrepresented the reality in a pve and pvp view of the game.
Every time you say stuff like this it gets even cringier. Seek help.
agree my friend
You spelled feral druid wrong.