How to Play Shadow Play

A couple buddies of mine have started playing Shadow Play (SPriest, Affy Lock, HPal), but we’re not 100% sure about how to play it.

What are the keys to playing this comp? Win conditions? Positioning? Cross-cc?

Right now, we’ve been trying to play the Hpal (me) and the affy lock further back on pillars, with the SPriest further up either in the middle or on an aggressive pillar. On our go’s, I pop Aura Mastery and HoJ the target (if I can safely each them). We try to swap, depending on who’s taking a lot of DoT damage.

Anything else? Tips? Big mistakes to avoid?

First it puts the dots
Then it does the dmgs


You want to mostly hit the Healer if you can. So the goal beyond kiting and rotating defensives properly is to try and get UA on the Healer whenever possible for the SP to add mindgames for his own Stun/Silence go whether you’re able to contribute more damage or not.

I think versus melee cleaves that train the SP, you mostly play repentance to add CC chains on the healer while trying to kill the Ret or Enhance. (Depending on the cleave).


spriest solos healers while lock ports around trying not to die


Spriest sits on the enemy healer because they really cant die while the lock and healer just play a 2v3 game with the other team surviving as long as they can and trying to dot the healer as much as you can.

Once the healer is dotted the spriest is free to solo the healer because they can not dispel mind games with ua on them.


Lock pulls the DPS as far away from their healer as possible all game to always force the enemy healer into the Spriest LoS, priest plays inbetween the enemy healer and their dps.

Every 45sec, make sure UA is on healer, and stun/silence burst with mind games on healer, Stall with CC/MC and kiting inbetween.

Don’t overthink it, it really is that simple.


This is all REALLY helpful! Thank you! This is exactly what I was hoping for.

A few more questions:

  1. How should I use my HoJ? Typically, if I try to run to the healer, I put myself in a bad position and can easily get swapped to. Should I just use it defensively?
  2. How should I use Aura Mastery, and which aura should I run? I typically run Concentration Aura and use AM when they’re bursting, but I don’t know if that’s best. Should I save it for when they’re trying to cross CC before a burst?
  3. Against RMX, should we still try and sit the healer, or go rogue like with other comps?
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UA On healer -> stun healer -> void form + mind games on healer. IF you aren’t doing a healer go, good old fash silence / stun from priest onto healer while doing massive pressure on the dps works.


fears and hoj. This comp is great at killing healers. You can hoj/ fear dps while priest dunks heals. Healer won’t even be able to dispel his partners to peel for him if they’re covered with UA without risk of dying for doing so.

Your spr can also cc healer with silence/stun/fear while you hoj kill target. Play short hoj

Repost for importance

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Saw you play against Metaphors’ shadowplay yesterday their triangle was quite triangular

Your Lock needs to PUMP, if he’s not doing at least 3k DPS in 220 gear you won’t do well. You need triple dots on everyone. Then your Spriest bursts the healer with Mind Games. The only win condition even if you’re playing perfect is for their healer to be bad.

This is a straight up being better than your opponent comp. Every one of you needs to be playing great. You should never really be able to kill a DPS.

On hook? I think I threw that one

If you’re playing a melee cleave your Lock should never be on a pillar unless he’s pulling both melee around the pillar to force the enemy healer out so your Spriest can kill him.

I’ve played a bit of affy war hpal. How do you deal with ret war or war enhance teams where they go affy lock?

Warlock needs to kite like a beast, you need to be a fake cast beast because you only have one school of magic. Gate their CDs, TP if they connect with their CDs still up, and if they connect again with CDs up then flicker. Your Warrior should only be in the cleave for intervene, and the rest of the time he should be chasing their healer.

Your Hpal shouldn’t have to use multiple CDs in opener. You’ll eventually be connected on and he’ll need them then. You need to kill Grounding and Tremor like it’s your job.

It’s also not a very good comp because Lock needs Mind Games to land kills.

I’ve had success against most comps except double melee. I’m a venthyr war though so it could just be my condemn that helps land kills alongside lock dots.

But it feels like lock damage suffers a lot with double melee.

It really just depends on your locks skill. No matter the opponent your Lock should be top damage.

This is good stuff! Thank you all!

But any advice on:

  1. When to use Aura Mastery with Concentration Aura (uninterruptible and unsilencable team for 8 seconds) for this comp?
  2. Or any advice against RMX?