Tanks don’t count stop it your cringe.
So since ret is not bad but still the bottom of B tier in lier list as the worst dps options for a class right now (meaning every other class has a higher ranked spec than ret in the dps slot at least) and with the nerf of hpal and god nobody wants the rng healer gameplay. ( the whole gameplay of holy requires a minimum of luck 1 in your life or you will struggle) (I’m at at least -1 with over 500 kills of rukhmar without a mount)
In that aspect, one way and ez to fix ret in pvp.
That’s it, you fix their survivability issue as the most squishy spec in the game right now, you fix their dmg which is going to be on par with pve dps (ret doesn’t have an ms or anything that doesn’t make their value not translate 1-1 from pve to pvp anymore)
If blizzard wants to balance ret afterwards, they can just nerf the spec as a whole because ret is kinda insane in pve but already over nerfed in pvp only. So doing the 1-1 ratio would let them nerf ret in pve without making ret worth as much as a bm hunter pet in pvp.
I’m probably making this post in vain because blizzard doesn’t read forums for a while now.