I used to play Mistweaver in DF but this expansion I decided to completely devote myself to resto druid. I know that it’s an underperforming class right now but maybe some veterans and fanatics could give me a few pieces of advice?
- Utility
My biggest problem when I play druid is understanding when to use my CC and damage skills. While with mistweaver you have an instant sap, instant AoE stun and interrupt, druid has a single target MELEE stun, roots that I never know when to use, cyclone with super duper small range, and knock back that works only 50% of the time.
What skills do you use and on whom in arenas? Do you deal damage in cat form? Do you use bear form at all? Do you use Skull Bash (or what’s it called)?
CC protection
I tried couple arena matches and I am never focused but I am CC’ed. It was almost the same with Mistweaver but at least they have interruption immunity while the druid has… nothing? Maybe tranquility talents but it heals so little on arena I don’t know if it’s viable at all there. Do you just position yourself in a super smart way all the time? -
Instant saves
So everybody knows that resto druid lacks instant saves. On Mistweaver I could just use cocoon and it’s pretty much invulnerability. With resto druid my best options are swiftmend and… instant regrowth? I heard nourish could help. I haven’t tried it yet. I really like invigorate too but it’s obviously not an instant save. Treants are supposed to swiftmend when you summon them but I never see that happens. So what are your secret save techniques? -
PvP talents
I am not sure which PvP talents are the must have bombs for resto druid. I hear that resin is very important? I like the talent that gives 100% movement in travel form but the others seem meh to me. -
My understanding that resto druid really suffer from getting OOM fast. Do you take the talent that restores mana from starsurge/cat form? Do you take that skill which lets cast spells for free for 8 seconds (I hate it btw)?
It’ s funny because when I played Mistweaver facing Resto Druids on arenas I could almost never outheal them and I thought it was the strongest healer in the game after preservation evokers. When I play resto druid I can barely outheal… warlocks! Maybe it’s the skill issue after all?