So I have the appearance of a Dark Ranger.
I’ve chosen Venthyr to give me a couple of fitting spells (necrolord works too).
Is there anything else from past expansions I can get to enhance the feeling of being undead on my entirely living Blood Elf hunter?
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ICC has some nice weapons
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Yup, got some good ones from there.
Will try to get Sylvanas’s bow from Shadowlands too.
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Try to get her quiver too.
That being said, they should make the DK faces for Belves usable on the Darkfallen skin.
Totally agree. At least then I can say I’m truly undead.
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Hopefully Blizzard listens
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Doing the quest for the Darkshore Warfront will get you the season 2 elite set off color, which is very Forsaken looking. Honestly one of the best looking mail sets in the game TBH.
The Heirloom bow is pretty great for that.
Go pick up an undead gazelle for a pet. I forget the actual model name.
You can get a close analog to Sylvanas’ actual armor from Nighthold.
Of course there’s many other undead pets you can pick up as well.
Risen Mare is probably one of the most disturbing mounts in the game, especially with a pair of the gazelles.
Use something to make your appearance more undead, then narcissas mirror it to your battle pet, then use a pet biscuit to increase it to actual size.
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Play dk choose rotten skin.
But no dark ranger attire nor red eyes unfortunately.
or you could just make an undead toon and name him Bloodelf
Wotlk has nice weapons, Sanctum of domination and torgast have some nice undead weapon mogs.
Venthyr mogs and weapons also look good on them with the red/black armor.
Some pvp sets on horde look good as well if you choose to not wear a helm and go for another type of helm to show your eyes.