How to make gold without tokens

I dont have irl money so how do I make gold in game efficiently? Google says just buy it but I can’t and repairs are crazy expensive. Any real help would be appreciated.

The easiest way to make money in this game is to farm heroics. You can sell the BOE gear that drops and when you finish farming heroics, you will have made some gold and then you can go out and do mining and herbalism and sell all of it at the auction house for a high profit.


Do you have a goal in mind?

Once you get to cap, Felbeer, start running some mythic raids from Shadowlands back to Vanilla. You should get about 1k per run, plus you’ll occasionally get some Bind-on-Equip pieces that can go for quite a sum of money.

Gathering professions isn’t fancy, but it is a reliable source of income. People always want to get stuff but don’t want to run around getting the bits to make their stuff. My best money-maker is a Herbalist/Tailor because I just run around hoovering up herbs and cloth and list them in bulk on the AH at 15% below the market average.

I’m cheap enough to be attractive to buyers, and annoying enough to the established Bot-Barons on the AH that they’ve either got to buy me out to preserve their bottom line, or ignore me and hope people are buying in such horrendous amounts of bulk that their goods get purchased as well.

Heroic Dungeons also do well for BoE gear, but unless you are a Tank or Healer, you won’t make a good turn around due to the length of time DPS spend in queues waiting for PuGs, and in a Guild group, you’ll be expected to toss those BoEs to your fellow guildies for their own characters.

High-level crafting through the new Trade system can be quite profitable … but only if you can pump a ton of money into it first, which is a bit of a ‘hole in the bucket’ situation. You need money to make money with that, and it can be a real bastard to make enough to break into a market where people can throw a few million at the Auction House to chase everyone else but the most entrenched whales away.

Lemme log on and see if I can give you a hand.

Edit: Ah, wait, you’re on Stormrage. Sorry mate, don’t have any alts over there.


If you’re not too worried about having specific professions, herbalism and mining are still very lucrative right now with little effort.


That reminds me

Welcome to the Wyrmrest Accord forums, Felbeer!
Please tell us about your RP character!


Profession wise, selling crafting materials, especially at the start of the expansion is a good way to make gold. Herbalism tends to hold its value longer vs mining but at the start of an expansion I just sell materials before I start working on professions. Otherwise, I’m always broke lol.

Don’t forget about fishing and meat farming too!
Cooking feels like it requires more materials than ever before.

Oh good point about fishing! There’s definitely more unique rarer ingredients required. Essentially end game PVE that requires a consumable, the related materials will hold value longer vs like mining which will diminish as people craft their gear.

So yah, buff foods and herbs are pretty solid. I made a good chunk of gold crafting raid/mythic foods in DF. It won’t make you rich fast but it will pay the repair bills

Don’t forget mailbox dancing.

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If we’re dedicated to staying on topic I’d say that battle pets have always been a good source of income. Some of them are both easy to get and ridiculously expensive.

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