Night Fae/Death’s Due
Functions fine as is. Probably a little too strong with the dmg debuff and str increase and needs some tuning depending on what they do with the other covenants.
Venthyr/Swaming Mist
It’s not a terrible skill but 10% dodge is pretty boring utility. They can keep it or leave it but I’d like to see different utility added to it. A few idea’s I suggested on the beta were as follows.
-Deals Shadowfrost dmg so it scales with frost and unholy mastery
-Have it apply/refresh diseases throughout it’s duration
-All RP spenders are removed from the GCD while it’s active making sure you never cap/waste RP while using this ability
Necrolord/Abomination Limb
All utility and crappy dmg, needs some number tuning. Some changes I suggested to help and maybe make it more fun than just being a grip machine in PvP.
-Deals shadowfrost dmg for Frost/Unholy mastery scaling
-For Blood the abomination limb wields your dancing rune weapon providing the same benefits as having DWR active for it’s duration. Maybe give blood bonus STR while active so it works as a great offensive/defensive CD.
-For Frost Abomination Limb copies your Obliterate and smashes down on all targets in an 8 yard cone in front of you dealing frost dmg. Blizzard can figure out the numbers for how much damage this could deal and if it needs an internal CD so you can’t just spam it but having it function as both a grip/dmg and extra limb on your most powerful attack would feel a lot more fun to use IMO.
-For Unholy Abomination Limb applies and bursts a festering wound every time it deals dmg to a target. So if you cast this with 0 wounds on a target, the first time it grips/deals dmg it applies a single wound. The next time that wound is burst and a new one is applied at the same time. If the gripped target(s) have wounds already it will burst on the initial damage.
-Adding more dmg/fun skill utility to this ability would let them nerf the grip effect if it’s too powerful for PvP.
Kyrian/Shackle the Unworthy
This skill sucks. The damage sucks, 5% dmg reduction sucks vs Night Fae’s 10-15% debuff. It’s just pure trash right now. Utility could make it competitive/more fun.
-Deals Shadowfrost dmg so it can scale with the mastery of Frost/Unholy
-This spell should actually shackle the target providing a chains of ice type slow. Starts at 99% slow and decay over the 14 second duration. Have it decay slowly at first then faster over the final 10 seconds. It could also work like a reverse Death’s advance where the slow cannot be cleansed and limits movement increasing effects to only work at at 35%-50% effectiveness over it’s duration.
-Split the spell into two seperate debuffs, Shackle of the Unworthy(The slow/dmg reduction) and Chains of the Unworthy(the dmg/dot portion). Increase the %chance on the soulbind that lets the debuff spread, but only the Chains of the Unworthy debuff(the dmg) spreads from the main target. Give it a neat spell effect like Blood’s Death Chain PvP talent.
We’re in the Shadowlands, I don’t think it’s that crazy to make all the spells for DKs no matter what the covenant deal shadowfrost dmg so they scale with mastery. Tweak the base dmg numbers numbers but give all the covenants more utility/fun stuff to go along with them. Night Fae for PvE and Necrolord for PvP are just so broken in their current states unless they are nerfed into the ground no one will really be going Venthyr or Kyrian.
Some of my suggestions might break abilities and I’m not really sold on any of them…except for my Kyrian idea. If we’re shackling people make it a god damn shackle and give me some fun root/slow utility! I want so bad to have angel wings but won’t pick the objectively worst covenant for all content for a transmog I’d be able to switch to/unlock at the end of the expansion when the skills won’t matter cause we’re all waiting for the next expansion’s pre-patch.
Blizzard really has a lot of work to do other than just number tuning or we’re all going to be saying, “I’m a Night Fae PvE DK”, or “I’m a Necrolord PvP DK”, for the duration of this expansion. Meaningful choice is an illusion for us.