How to make BigWigs give call outs?

Been using DBM my entire raiding career, I like how the addon is very “in your face” about what it needs me to do.
“Taunt boss!”
“Help soak!”

BigWigs is just a series of pings and pops. I got BigWigs Voice, but I don’t want it to just say the name of the ability; is there a way to make it yell instructions at me like DBM?

Haven’t used that module but you may need to tweak it on the individual abilities.

why dont you just use dbm? also the big raiding weak aura packs do exactly that

The guild wants me to use BigWigs. What big raiding weakaura packs?

i use liquids weak auras but just throwing this out there using withier dbm or big wigs doesnt matter they both basically do the same job