How to make a macro to missdirect?

i would like to make a macro that will try the focus target, if not, will try the tank and if not will try the pet.

i got far with this from a forum

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection

You can’t make a macro to select the “tank” that’s general use. Either set the tank as focus or have it target the tanks name in particular and change the macro for every dungeon/raid. There is a macro for this on wowhead/icy veins

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The tank part might be tricky to pull off as a specific condition.

I set this one up for myself years ago and it works perfectly fine for everything I’m doing.

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@focus,exists,nodead][@pet,exists,nodead]Misdirection


I use a similar macro but I also have one that sets my target as the focus that I use on the tank at the start of the run. Allows some flexibility as I can also set the healer as my focus on the fly if he gets into trouble.

Check the UI & Macros forum, I have a massive guide on all things macros (Macros: Essential Information). If you want a specific macro, post over there, I or one of the other macro people can help you write it (or tell you why its impossible or a terrible idea).

For Misdirection though, try this:

/use [help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][@TankName-TankServer,help,nodead][@pet,pet,nodead][]Misdirection

Will Misdirect, in order of priority:

  1. Your friendly Target, manually clicked on
  2. Your friendly Focus
  3. A friendly character named TankName-TankServer who must be in your group
  4. Your pet
  5. Default targeting - the cursor gets a blue highlight and you click on any unitframe after pressing the keybind to apply it to that person

If anything in the priority listing is either not there, dead, an enemy, or mind controlled, it will fall down to the next possible target in the list.


I would think a better option might be a usage of the “Target of Target” functionality.

/use [help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead][@targettarget,help,nodead][@pet,pet,nodead]Misdirection

Yes there will be points that your target will jump from the tank but if you are watching your targets target when you cast it should hit the tank or the off tank.

Perhaps, but that’s not what OP asked for.

Also that runs a major risk of mistiming the key press after a tank death and Misdirecting the healer or top melee DPS, instead of the offtank or a ret/arms/fury throwing in a shield to hold it together for a second until the tank can take a brez.

Unless you know the specific name of the tank, there’s no such unit or anything as a tank that you can use for macros. However, there’s always a workaround!

/cast [@focus,exists,nodead][@mouseover,exists,nodead][@pet,exists,nodead][] Misdirection

Just mouseover the tank and cast that. It’s not perfect but it’ll get the job done.

However, there is a better way: Vuhdo or Healbot. Instead of regular raidframes, use healer addons and replace the healing spells with Misdirection.

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First you need the focus macro followed by the misdirection. I used to use a focus target poly on my mage. Same should apply on using Misdirection.

Is that a typo [] prior to the word “Misdirection,” i wonder?

Not sure if this still applies but, I assume that it does(see below).

#Macros: Essential Information


Thanks very much for the info…I took it off my macro, and it works the same way it seemeth