How to 'Lower' low level mob HP?

So I am doing some Wrath quests I didn’t do for whatever reason and I’ve come across some that require me to ‘reduce enemy hp and shackle/arrest’ them, etc. I read posts when levels were 120, squished to 50 in pre patch but nothing works now that we are level 60.

I have removed ALL weapons & armor, even my shirt and tabard because why not. I fell from a great height, killed myself, rez’d at spirit healer to get rez sickness and I kill any and everything with 1 punch. I acquired a 1dps skinning knife and everything still dies in 1 hit.

Any help would be appreciated as I know I will encounter and so will MANY others who want to complete achievements, stories, quest only MOGs… etc. What do we do?

Thank you!

These are main story questlines, not breadcrumb quests so if I just abandon them I cannot continue the story for the quests beyond these ‘lower HP’ quests.

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i believe there are items (some of the snowballs?) that do unscaled, very low damage. probably a toy or two also.

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In Legion Dalaran you can buy a Soft Foam Sword from (I believe) the toy vendor. It will work on basically all these types of quests!

Edit: the sword will get enemies down to something like 10% hp and not one-shot them. However if hit again with the sword they will die.


I did look through all my Toys and none were helpful, lol. This one should be, and its only 50g according to Wowhead and all the top comments are related to my exact issues, lol. I swear I did google this before I gave up and came here but I didn’t find this item as a suggestion.

Thank you and Pyri for your help!

Really the only draw back to the Sword is you can’t use it in instanced content. There’s a few raid/dungeon encounters that break if you kill the boss too fast, not to mention achievements. But for open world yeah it’s great and I use it alot.

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I am lvl 60

Un’Goro Crater
Quest: Toxic Tolerance

  • “Attack Venomhide Ravasaurs for a chance to be poisoned.”
    Purchase: Goblin Dragon Gun, Mark II

Right now it costs a little over 1k gold in the AH BUT its the only thing that works because you have to spray them slowly and hope that some poison lands on you, you have 50 charges to try. Not every chance will get poison on you. Other than that, the Soft Foam Sword will do for other quests.

The Soft Foam Sword toy cannot be used against elites. I’d like to be able to use the deadly iron trap to cage elite beasts to farm mats using my Garrison barn in Draenor. Any further ideas would be appreciated.

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There’s a solution. You can delete your character. Create a new one with the same name and then start out anew! Or you can party with a low level character and request them to beat it to low hp… you can thank me with this solution with a hug! :smiley:

Whole body shrinka is what I use, might have to take gear off and use this for super low level stuff.