How to link pictures?

title basically

Requires trust level 3 on the forums. The requirements if you’re interested:

Adding to what Lucifer posted, you can link images by using:


at the beginning and at the end of the link.

If you have the link to your image simply put ` before and after the link, someone with TL3 may repost with the image for you.

Post a link like they said I’ll post your image

Like THIS:

I still think this is the most obscene amount of things to do to just be able to post images and links. Especially when there’s no indication of how close you are.

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For now, you don’t.

You can do this:

And then some kind soul with TL3 can come and post the image for you.

You do that by placing the ` symbol before and after the link.

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Indeed. IMHO making the customers prove their trustworthiness before they can enjoy basic functionality is an extremely customer-hostile thing to do, but somehow we keep paying Blizzard anyway so they have no reason to change their ways lol


Blizzard turned their forum into a grind to…lol.

And they’re still doing it wrong, I’m not at all trustworthy… snickers mischieviously

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You’ve been on the forums long enough to know EXACTLY why we need that XD

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That’s kind of the point, though. Not specifically about you, but just because people keep up with their silly requirements, doesn’t mean they’re not going to abuse the picture power after getting it. Meanwhile, those of us that had it in the past lost it because of some stupid reason, yet we’ve been posting here for years without incident. Just because we don’t keep up with the frequency of what they think is minimal, we can’t post links.

Blizzard really needs to learn to understand, “Quality over quantity.”

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I don’t know, I just think it’s unfair to require someone to grind “forum rep” for 3 months to let them enjoy basic forum functionality, and even more unfair to take that functionality away if the person stops grinding.

Let’s assume for a moment that it’s fair to make players earn the right to post pictures and videos.

It’s still terrible that you have to grind to keep them. IMHO you should only lose rights if you misuse them. If I earned the right to post pictures and I didn’t post any “forbidden pictures”, then I should get to keep the right to post pictures indefinitely.

I don’t know, I just don’t like to pay money and then hear “we don’t trust you” from the people I just paid, especially if I haven’t done anything wrong.


Well… there went my plans to post the contents of the Necronomicon…

This is inevitably what happens when you try to solve a problem through policy.

Trust levels are dumb. The fact that they decay is dumb. The fact that it takes an hour or two every day to keep it is dumb. It’s just a way to quash communication.

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It’s a system through discourse though so I’m not sure Blizzard has much control over it. Maybe they do, hard to say, but it depends on what sort of license agreement they have with the software.

On all of this I absolutely agree ^w^

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The system is Discourse.

The exact Requirements are completely customizable. They have their defaults, but Blizzard does not have to use them.

That said, while I agree with people saying the TL3 requirements are ridiculously overboard (particularly the “posts read” requirement, which just means people have to endlessly scroll through a couple megathreads because nothing else will ever get that many posts read), I do think it’s worth pointing out that these forums prior to Discourse did NOT have the ability to post links or embed images/videos at all.

It’s not like we went from full functionality to restricted functionality. We got an upgrade. Still want them to make it reasonable though.