How to improve as a pvper in solo shuffle

arena forums this is youre time to shine. give me some tips on reaching above average solo shuffle ratings. also pls define what you feel is considered “above average” solo shuffle ratings ty guys youre all GIGACHADS etc etc etc hit that subscribe button smash that like button and make sure to fuel that hype train for “FREE” rewards also make sure to donate youre twitchy Ps to the streamer


Realistically, you’re probably already playing perfectly. I’d call the healers trash a bunch until they wise up and start keeping you alive more. Then rating will skyrocket.


Solo shuffle is a numbers game. Some lobbies you can’t realistically win.

If you want to be r1, identify when the lobby is against you and immediately start throwing. This lets you roll the dice again fasterfor lobbies where you shine in. You get more numbers of rounds in.

This guy is also absolutely right. He’s probably a r1 posting on an alt to help you out. This also helps you keep your mental health up.

Speaking of r1s, check out the r1 for your spec and watch how they play. See if you can find differences in the gameplay. I see you’re a hunter, so you should watch how often they 1-2-1-2-1-2 and when they keyboard turn vs backpeddle. See how they miss traps against each spec and what they do to make that funnier.

Have an alt so you can leap frog CR. This actually takes the edge off the game. You’re also empowered to /afk matches out of spite without having to worry about losing rating. This is another r1 strat. Since you don’t care you might learn how to play more aggressive too.

Take breaks from the game every now and then. This weans off bad habits and gives you new perspectives.

Finally, something that’s actually a lot of work but tends to have decent results: Watch your own footage and see when exactly your healer fokt oop and threw the match by getting feared like a target dummy or when they decided to cocoon you even though you were and did deterrence 1 second later.


I have 12 alts. will this technique still work?

Wo wo wo call me out much

There it is!

In all seriousness, you said you had some vods, i’m happy to do a review if you want!

solo shufle its very hard becouse is a nest of cheater, 1 of evry 3 games are traders, but if you like hard mode, this the place for you. the most important there is not dps , is the burst damage. becouse , they are plyin by theyselft the most of time, they don take care of parnerts, and you can get a oportunity to kill some one, by surprice.

or if they are traders, you need to loock for the carry , and destroy him.

He won’t do that, last time there was video of his gameplay it was a clip of jelly watching him get capped on in a comp stomp.


Remember when I beat you in a dev/surv mirror?

:flushed: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
you beat a BFA “glad”? MONKA

We have never once vsd eachother in a mirror. I do remember beating you as ret/surv/rdru vs your rogue/dev/priest that you somehow found a way to lose.

Incase you forgot the game that started your mental breakdown about tanking cr last season.

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Hey, his partners finished their wins and got their dragon. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Woo.


Rofl that’s hilarious, dumped the dead weight.

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You would keep that saved and forget the time I beat you in a mirror. Just an fyi, I’d never keep any match vs you saved on my PC lol.

Isn’t that what you did with Bramot (the ret pally in your video)?

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I beat you but didn’t save it
It happened I swear guys

Did you guys know grass is actually red?

I couldn’t imagine getting dropped and then my ex team gets glad right after lmao

Well, it happened. And he banned me on his twitch after I popped in to say hi after he lost.

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Yeah yeah we know swole it happened.

I mean surely we had a recount or something to show it… or a screenshot…

or like a game of a ret/hunter player playing something not named ret/hunter

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What an odd thing to lie about. I doubt anyone will read this and even care.

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True, what a wild thing to lie about when you tried to rewrite your own lore just yesterday :c

ANyways I gotta go do some stuff. Keep screaming into the void of being a 2k failure!

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Denounce was on my team and played really well that game. Bravo to him because it was a close one!

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