How to identity a Hunter Noobie

What about having 1 that was a rare and 1 that I that was removed in wrath, though the rare is no longer in the game?

Also this is a terrible indication because I’ve been playing wow as a hunter since Vanilla.

This is also untrue. Keyboard turning in pve in most cases is not that big a deal. In pvp, still not a big deal unless you… nope still not that big a deal.

Turns out the only time using your mouse to turn gives you an actual advantage is when you’re trying to take a turn as tightly as possible or with the long forgotten “jump shot” which honestly never gave that much of an advantage because you could strafe and still hit your target while holding your camera in the front view to make sure you didn’t run into thing.

So no… this notion that keyboard turning is for noobs, is a myth, plain and simple.

Are you saying MM hunters are noobs or is this a list of “noob” things MM hunters do? If it’s the 1st than I am offended sir.

If it’s the second how is this a thing? For MM you rarely if ever need your pet currently.

Subjective opinions a noob does not make.

Again, as much as I despise Legion MM, a subjective opinion a noob does not make.


The second.
Its one thing, not using your pet. Its another, not knowing how.
No one thing marks a newbie. But several…

Makes post on forums about identifying a hunter noobie…


I made a human hunter because I liked the bow shooting animation of the human model the best.

Idano about Cata, but its possible you’re on to something, but Blatant? Or easy?
What you’re really stating is how to tell a new player, as you state a new player is often a newbie human hunter.
As a new player, I made this hunter human, for the reasons you state, with the exception of it being easy. I didn’t know easy. As a hunter, I still don’t know easy, but playing a decent Hunter has gotten easier.
Blatant? No, I was trying too hard to deserve that. Huntard stereotype, a danger to themselves and all those around them as many new players are?
Yes. Because it wasn’t easy. Lots to keep up with, so easy to screw up.
I can make a list of what newbie hunters do, because I was one. Was…

Need to rework my gaming set up for that one XD. I have to get my left hand used to mouse and have the mouse with extra buttons. Would have saved my butt against some rogues. Other than that, not a total disaster, still killing it out there :smiley:


So on Saturday I finally brought a decent gaming laptop (the Legion brand), and due to my getting just old enough to start feeling pain in my wrists if I use the keyboard too long, I finally brought a mouse.

(Not a true gaming mouse yet. I wanted to get used to using a mouse first!)

(One more detail: my new laptop is 15.6 inches wide. This is important.)

I know that it’s partially muscle memory, but I was so shocked at how bad I played at first with a mouse. After some thinking, I figured it out:

For all 15 years that I’ve played WoW, I’ve played it on 11-inch laptops (vanilla and BC) and 13-inch laptops (WotLK and on). I played it with BOTH my hands on the keyboard and using the touchpad for finer control.

So now, while I’m fine with running using the mouse, what really hurt was now I only use ONE hand on the keyboard.

This has severely reduced my reaction time with my abilities. (This also explains so much why people liked to whine about “button bloat” which I honestly never noticed.) So I had to remap EVERYTHING. And now for the first time ever, I’m clicking my abilities some of the time.

I put my long-CD abilities onto the displayed action bars above the regular action bar, which has the rotation abilities in keys 1 through 5 (easily reachable for my one hand).

It’s been mind-blowing to experiment with this new way of play. So far, I’m doing okay and getting better. I haven’t died yet, but I’ve had a couple close calls when I got jumped by too many mobs. “Why isn’t this and that working!? …oh, different location now.”

So honestly? Keyboard turning was never that bad — because those players usually had both hands on the keyboard, which increased their reaction time with the action bars. Folks who turn using the mouse almost inevitably end up clicking on some abilities.

In the end, it’s just a matter of what a player’s comfortable with, and muscle memory. :slight_smile:

How does a keyboard turner disengage forward?

Dunno what the others did, but I used the touchpad. I’d jump, flip around and disengage. It only takes a little practice. :slight_smile:

Theme them. You pick a look and specific pets for each hunter.

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Pulling additional mobs 'cause they have mastered Tab targeting .

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raises hand
It doesn’t seem to matter how long/much I play this game. I always feel like a noob hunter. :laughing:

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One of my three Hunters is a Human because Humans look good.

Thus far, all of the alts that I’ve leveled for the allied armor have been hunters, though I’ve only bothered getting the Mag’har and Highmountain ones thus far. I have two hunters I (semi)actively play, however, one on my main server and one on my alliance server.

Backpeddaling, not using a pet with the MS skill, keyboard turning, not using the right pvp talents/traits. All I can think of when it comes to pvp.

Not better than night elves though :triumph:

I think easiest way to spot a new hunter is in the Gnomeragen dungeon when they don’t dismiss their pet and pull a bunch of packs on the group.


Keyboard turning is a problem if you do anything that requires reacting to things on the ground. The time it takes you to keyboard turn 90 degrees to the right and walk forward 3 steps to get out of fire is at least twice as long as simply strafing 3 steps to the right.

Here’s a few tips to make your life easier:

  1. Unbind Q and E. Rebind strafe to A and D.
  2. Use ~, Q, E, R, T, F, G, etc for major abilities. Move conflicting menu options to the other side of the keyboard, as you won’t need them in combat.
  3. Use Crtl/Shift/Alt modifiers to expand the number of abilities you can bind without having to extend your fingers too far. You can either bind a separate action bar to Ctrl+whatever, or you can use a single action bar with modifier macros.
  4. Get a mouse with just 3 extra buttons (wheel click, forward/back under the thumb) and use those buttons for ground targeted abilities with [@cursor] macros.

How to identify a hunter noobie? :thinking:

I just look in the mirror, myself.


Better yet, swap to ESDF instead of WASD, and bind your abilities to 2-5, A, Q, W, R, T, and G. That’s 10 action bar slots, the remaining two can either be 1 and 6 (farther away, but workable) or 2 mouse buttons (how I do it).

That puts your entire action bar within 2 keys of your movement star, and has your pinky naturally resting on A for extremely quick access to whatever you put there.

I’ll be honest, it’s kinda a bear swapping to ESDF. I gave up on it after a day or two the first time I tried to swap, and it took at least a week or so the second time around before I really adjusted. But it’s so worth it.

I’m seriously not getting your point here…

Do you think using your keyboard to move is bad or not? Because who uses a keyboard for movement and doesn’t know what strafing do? I mean come on, even if you didn’t know Q and E did it, you probably fat fingered them within the first hour of playing…

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