How to identify a timerunning character at initial login

trying to work out if a character is a timerunning one and while most functions return the correct value, they dont at the initial login, only once the character is in the world, or after a /reload.

  • PlayerGetTimerunningSeasonID( )
  • C_ChatInfo.IsTimerunningPlayer( UnitGUID( "player" ) )
  • GetCharacterTimerunningSeasonID( UnitGUID( "player" ) )
  • C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByGUID( UnitGUID( "player" ) ).gameAccountInfo.timerunningSeasonID

UnitGUID( "player" ) does return the correct value on initial login so its not that part.

these are glue screen only (unfortunately)

  • GetActiveTimerunningSeasonID( )
  • IsTimerunningEnabled( )

does anyone know of any function that returns the correct timerunning value at initial login?

PlayerGetTimerunningSeasonID( )
C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByGUID( UnitGUID( "player" ) ).gameAccountInfo.timerunningSeasonID

Returns 1 at PLAYER_LOGIN and PEW initialLogin (and /reload) for my time running character (from a cold start) and nil for the others…