How to horde players feel about Blood Elves?


Hmm - they’re ‘OK’ in my book…Ran a few BG Blitz with them (at least they have hygiene standards - unlike Orcs, Tauren, and Forsaken)…Went out for lattes afterwards.

I agree but more because the Forsaken are in the Horde. I am too suprised as a Tauren that we are still Horde after Cairne was dishonorably killed, also too because of the Cenarion Circle and druidic beliefs we hold, we shouldve left also when Teldrassil was burned imo

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Agreed wholeheartedly. The only ones I could maybe see being OK with all that are the Grimtotem who joined the Horde with Jevan, and even then that’s a hard “maybe”

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Blood Elves are way out of place with the Horde! They abandoned the Alliance because one guy was a jerk to them? They blamed their sorrows on a Prince who was possessed by armor created by an Orc in Outworld? They traded their beautiful lavish lifestyle so they could live in mud huts with Goblins and Trolls? The real reason Blood Elves even exist was because all the male players wanted a Night Elf toon who was “bouncy”. So WoW made Blood Elves designed after Renee Zellweiger so they would play Horde. Well Blood Elves took over the Horde from the Trolls and Foresaken. Couldn’t throw a rock in Ogrimmar without hitting a Blood Elf. Now the Alliance is dead and the Horde is still living in mud huts overpopulated with Blood Elves!


not his story not his call to make.
I am legitimately glad that they didn’t take the Tolkienist approach here and put the Elves back with the Trolls, Goblins, ect.
folklore elves were not friends to humans

Well I am not and there are others who feel the same way.

I’m sure there are as that has become the generic default for a lot of fantasy settings.
I don’t necessarily hate that approach either but I definitely prefer this, the inhumanly beautiful standing proudly alongside the monstrous.

Tauren Steak is the new Wagyu

It’s abhorrent is what it is.

the alternative is being boring

“Hey, Kodo… I’d love to have you for supper some time.”

As a Hero of The Alliance, I think it is pretty much a requirement that the hoarde have at least one race that is sentient/conscious.

The faction divide would be strange if I was just slaughtering animals.

I think they’re tasty!


The alternative would be more sensical, Blizzard cheapened the Horde the day it was announced they were putting elves with the Horde.

only if you consider mud huts to be the entire Horde identity.
the idea of a faction of outcasts requiring some form of cohesion is insane

It’s not just “mud huts” as you so delicately put it, Would you call Dazar’alor a group of mud huts? How about Thunder Bluff? Or even Orgrimmar? No because it’s all more than just “mud huts.” We didn’t need Elves in the beginning and we sure as hell don’t need them now.

you missed the point entirely. being savage or tribal is not a requirement for Horde membership. the Zandalari are a perfect example here too even if they joined up after the elves and undead

Eh, they’ve earned their place. No qualms about their membership from me.

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Don’t think the Nightborne are getting off either they’re in the same boat as BE’s.

You should have a problem with the Draenei as well then. They were nearly wiped out. It’s a running theme in Warcraft lore.