How to help struggling dps

how the honest hell can a warlock in any gear even preraid bis not do 150 DPS minimum? All you do is push shadowbolt.

Literally 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1.

Even if his spec is bad he should still clear more dps then that. You know what give me his logs ill tell you why.

He pushes everything BUT shadowbolt. Someone pointed out earlier it looks like he’s using a levelling rotation. Seems he’s working harder than necessary to get worse results…

You could put 0 talent points in, have 0 buffs or consumes and still do better than 70 dps.

I mean… it really depends on how much effort you put into it.
IE: Feral druids pulling 833.5 dps on Huhu.

No offense to your Warlock and other players of the same level but they aren’t raiding players. Not even casual raiders. If they cared at all about raiding they would do the minimum amount of effort / research needed to do half decent dps. You can’t “fix” people like this especially if they have an attitude on top of it. They have different playing priorities and that’s fine. You and your guild need to each decide what YOUR playing priorities are because either way you’re going to eventually lose everyone who is expecting more/less out of their raiding no matter what you do.


I think this is the crux of the issue. We might have a bunch of people in our guild who simply have no interest in clearing anything beyond MC.

Plan to have a discussion with the officers tonight about this and see how it goes.

Don’t be surprised if you end up leaving sooner or later yourself. If it’s looking that way you’re better off leaving sooner than later before it makes you miserable. Many people have been through this experience. You can really like the people and have a great time together yet be completely incompatible as a group. It happens and it’s no one’s fault. It’s not impossible to find a good fitting group that raids on your schedule. Unless of course your schedule is “I want to raid whenever I feel like it” in which case you can be totally fine pugging the easier raids every week. Anyway good luck to yall.

Your guild is bad.

Start with yourself and the leadership. You really should spend some time in other guilds watching what good guild leaders do. Copy them. You simply shouldn’t tolerate players who don’t want to improve or learn how to play their class. You also need to recruit more people, way more. There is no reason you aren’t full clearing MC and BWL right now. Many guilds do it x2x3 times a week with alts and split rosters.

It’s only bad in the sense that some of the membership would like to be clearing more content. It does what it was meant to do, which was to be a social guild. It’s not really a raiding guild. I’ve done that many years and kids ago. It was good in university when I had loads of time. Not so much now.

That said, we have been in MC for a couple months now and are having fun. Most of us are getting decently geared, and some are looking to progress to BWL. We have some pretty heavy carries and a rather small roster.

We will just have to see tonight if people are willing to put in a bit of work to learn enough to get into BWL. If the answer is no, I don’t think I will be hanging around.

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What? cant even use siphon life or agony on a boss. You can only shadowbolt and sometimes use corruption? Is he wanding?

We had a lock that liked click casting from the spell book, none on hot bar, not joking. There is something about people who play locks. After enough times of telling him he literally needs to spam sb and class leader fixing his spec, he really turned things around.

call him out over voice chat during raid. “hey dumba$$, pick up the dps by next fight or youre being kicked”

no need to beat around the bush. if he cared he would try.

Your issue appears moreso to be caused by undergeared and inexperienced and/or casual players and undermanning the raid.

The problem is that even at 60-70 dps, he’s better than an empty slot. The answer is to fill raids, by recruiting more people or by partnering/merging with another guild that is in your situation. Then you’ll be able to put pressure on the bad/lazy players to improve, because otherwise they’ll get benched, and either way, the team improves.


Being in a social guild does not mean that you should not be playing optimally. It doesn’t require much effort to be in the correct spec and gear, and using the right rotation. Even if your guild is parsing the low end of green, with a little willpower you should be able to progress through all of the currently available content.


Oh man. This has to be next level. Perhaps he knows something we don’t…QUICK, TO THE LAB!

Just to put this into perspective, he’s wearing 5 pieces of T1.

I got the officers and GM together after our raid on Friday. All of the officers were on the same page and aware we have some people that are getting heavily carried. We had a rather lengthy discussion about where we wanted the guild to go. The officers are looking to progress past MC and many are willing to bench people to do so (obviously we’re not in a position to do that right now due to numbers).

The GM is in a very different place. His main goal is always to make everyone happy. He stated several times that we knew when we joined that this wasn’t a progression raiding guild. I finally had to ask him what exactly he thought progression was. He responded by describing guilds that only take the best composition, force everyone to have world buffs and consumes, and are clearing current content as soon as it drops. I, and at least most of the other officers, are looking to progress. Many of us can see that we’re going to end up hitting a wall if this kind of performance doesn’t get addressed. He eventually agreed that this guy needed to be talked to. He also agreed to opening the raid up to PUGs.

As a guild, we were very late getting started with all of this. We made a decision in…May?? start going into MC understaffed and with some very undergeared people and start killing trash and a few bosses if we could. That’s progressed to being able to reliably down Rag (still not pre-submerge, but that time is getting closer and closer every week).

We’ll see how this goes… Thanks for the feedback from everyone. It seems we’ve got a plan in front of us, so we’ll have to see how things go. I know I’ve got a spot available in one of the more established guilds on the server if i want to do that, so that remains an option.

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Even though the content is easy. Its not like there is a shortage of dps out there wanting to raid.

Give him a guide, tell him to improve or he will put on the bench. When he gets all pissy and calls you an elitist, kick him from the guild and replace him with someone who is able to press shadowbolt.

Your raid will go smoother, and overall things in the guild will improve. If the person has a bad personality and bad performance then why even carry the deadweight?

Warlock T1 is fairly terrible, but it definitely doesn’t account for his very abysmal DPS. Thing is, he won’t get any better unless someone helps him. As others have pointed out, he’s still using his leveling rotation, which is clearly indicative that he simply doesn’t know he should be spamming shadowbolt.

Just an idea here, but I’m in a guild that holds events and one of them recently was a “caster workshop”. Something for each role, led by a player who has decent raid knowledge of the classes performing that role, could offer a way to educate without trying to pull one person aside and say they’re doing it wrong. Post-event, they also linked various resources (such as icy-veins and class discord) for those who wanted to go the extra mile.