How to heal this week's affix as Rdru?

I’m struggling.
I got a WA for the timer, so I know when it’s coming. I got my LB rolling on self for fasting ticks.

The only way I manage to get stacks is via x3 Treants and Convoke and then spamming Regrowth on 1 target and I just cant heal through it.

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Dispel yourself
Regrowth + swiftmend
Natures swiftness + regrowth

Hope people in group understand that they can dispel or heal themselves too.


The crappy part is how Im forced to keep convoke ready.

its def not easy but this is what ive been doing on my rdruid alt to deal with it… when i hear it coming out immediately i throw down a sb for the group to stand in. i use a lb on the tank and a lb on 1 dps(so everytime it procs 3 people are getting the heals standing in sb, and you get another proc if the second one is on the dps). then it goes out and i decurse 1 person, neither with the lb and not myself. I swiftmend regrowth myself since it does more healing to me and i rejuv them and wild growth and then i hit a couple regrowths(the first with natures swiftness to help and usually my decurse is up and i can get the last one if its lingering. it really helps when the team mates can do themself or maybe mass every other one but i did gb this week and it was a pita lol. not insurmountable but it can be painful and requires some setup in advance for an easier time. hope it helps

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Join group

Inspect anyone with a dispel (monks/paladin/mage etc)

If they don’t have dispel, call them out before key even begins

If they refuse to assist, leave group before key even starts


This part, unfortunately, is going to be the challenge. I’ve seen a few groups this week already where people just stand around and wait to have the affix healed off them multiple times, it’s honestly as easy as a flash heal or two ooc, a Death Strike or Word of Glory self cast or one of the several self removals. Some classes just don’t have the option which is tough, but some people really do just leave it for the healer smdh.

I was beggining ro wonder if something changed for the affix. When it first came out, I remember lots of videos ans posts about how every class in the game could cleanse themselves. I tought it was neat design. I just have to FD when the affix pops up and get on with my day.

But ever since then I keep noticing in pugs, +8 mind you where ppl are supposed to at least have their monitor on, every time the affix cycles in, one or 2 people don’t get it off. Either they are unaware/unwilling to dispel themselves or the healer is unwilling/unaware to dispel them.

Did something change? Why at first ppl knew how to handle it and now suddenly can’t be bothered?

a lot of what’s been said already is ok…

  1. If you dispel one as soon as it hits, you can dispel a second one in 6 seconds.
  2. You are right, save your convoke, although it sucks.
  3. Only roll with mostly self-dispellers.
  4. Before key starts tell them it’s self-dispel week and you need their help.
  5. I think almost all classes can dispell themselves except for Warr, DH and Lock?
    DK won’t always AMS with talent, Rogue won’t always use cloak, understandably.
    The lower the key, the less likelihood party members even know to dispel, or that they can dispel themselves.

It looks like you’re doing +2 keys, is that right?
Try to group with people who can carry you, so they require less healing, and maybe will actually dispel themselves.

Most classes can dispel this debuff.

The ones I’m sure they can are: paladin, mage, druid, shaman, priest, monk, evoker (any type of dispel works). Regarding the other classes, I don’t know.

Always try to invite at least 2 classes that have dispel, so you won’t need to spend healing cooldowns to remove this debuff most of the time.

If they don’t use it, tell them to do it and explain that dispelling the debuff will grant a bonus (increase in hp and critical hit if I’m not mistaken) and, if they don’t do it, these bonuses will go to the enemies, making it difficult to dungeon completion.

If even after you’ve warned them several times, they still don’t use dispel (if it’s a class that has dispel of course) you can let them die, maybe then they’ll understand :smiley:

Bad affix is bad. Rip any non-healers without dispel this week.

Make sure most or all of your group can dispel themselves, or have classes like shaman and priest who can AoE dispel.

Group composition has always been important in this game, this affix is no different.

Check for groups that have at least 1 other dispeler, preferably an aug since theyre already support minded, i dispel 2, they dispel the other 2 the last one is whoever had the most hots already layered on them and they just get healed off.

If it comes up when theres already large amounts of damage, or an important curse dispel is incomming; natures swiftness-> convoke-> buffed regrowth if someone still has it up, as long as hots were already rolling that pretty much covers it.

They don’t. Hunters don’t FD to remove the debuff, mages don’t decurse, dps shaman don’t drop poison totem.

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It’s an alt. But yeah, just doing 2-3’s for now to ease into healing. Havne’t healed since Shadowlands.

Running low keys is mad painful. I’m Brewmaste main doing 10’s and honestly, healers in 10’s have to heal less than I have to in 2’s.

Ran a Mists 10 the other night and shamy’s overall healing was 400k.
I ran CoT3++ just now 450k HPS.
In NW last night, I was dumping a million HPS into warr tank.

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Yeah, without convoked you’re already screwed with the affix. Even with treants, rejuv, shifted, and wild growth, it’s not enough. this affix is pissing me off this week as rdruid i am constantly forced to save cnvoke

To be honest my friend, the best advice is to not play hardRdruid this season. It’s absolutely scuffed, statistically the worst healer in keys, and anyone who plays one has the same sentiments as yourself.
My hardRdruid is high ilvl and capped at 10s, and I’m pretty good at this stupid game.
So I basically only use her to help friends who cap in low keys/TW, which I don’t mind healing after the stressfest that is healing pugs in 10s.

I just really like the fantasy and aesthetic of druids and I like their casts in resto.
I like popping into bear as a defensive, and travel form between pulls /shrug
I have 4 max level druids to accommodate 4 different aesthetics heh.

Any healer will tell you they simply don’t, though.

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As someone who mains a Resto Druid, I was just thinking to myself how easy the affix feels this week. In many cases dispels are not even having to be used anymore.

First of all, you need to keep HoTs on people. Multiple HoTs. If you’re not pre-HoTing people, you’re playing the spec wrong. That applies in general, not just to this affix.

When you hear the RP begin, pre-HoT even more. In a 5-man group you can literally saturate the group with HoTs.

By the time the affix actually goes out, you should have 3-4+ HoTs on every single person, including 2 rejuvenations on every single person. Potentially even put 2 on a pet if there is one in the group.

That will give you 10-12 stacks of Abundance. With that many Abundance stacks, and the Wildwood Roots talent, you are looking at Regrowth casts with near 100% crit chance, that you can cast faster than the GCD, for almost no mana.

All of the healing that your HoTs will already be doing to everyone with the affix from the very instant that the affix goes out, combined with a Swiftmend on the tank, a Wild Growth, and then machine-gun Regrowths makes this affix melt away ridiculously fast.

And the best part is that it’s all stuff that you should mostly be doing anyway. If you have one stack that lingers a bit, then use your dispel.