How to heal high keys?

I was able to do a 15 rlp as discipline the second week with a low ilvl.

The first boss is difficult and you need to use damage mitigation at the right times

As far as the upper ring goes, you really need to help with the trash. Use your aoe fear to interupt the trash. They also put up a buff right before theyre about to die where they do insane damage. You need to be on dispels.

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Holy runs a bit hot on mana, but there’s a few ways you can stay ahead of the curve.

  1. Shadowfiend early when you’re at like 80% mana.
  2. Keep Symbol of Hope ready when you’re at <20% mana.
  3. Mana pot early as well.
  4. New trick I learned is with using Potion of Chilled Clarity (no mana cost for 9-15s) w/ Power Infusion and/or Heroism. If you have an extended combat potion embellishment you’ll get 20s of no mana cost.
  5. Use Apotheosis through tough healing phases on-top of PI.

Proto-drake boss isn’t really hard to heal. He does group AOE every 20-30s.

With the Lightning boss you need to grab as many balls as you can until you’re at 8-10 stacks before lightning intermissions because you’ll get +50% increased healing at 10 stacks. Use PI or Apotheosis to heal through those intermissions.

Necro bosses just plonks the group for constant damage and the further they’re apart the harder they hit. If the tank keeps them spread apart they start doing like 50% more damage. Also, you can have everyone stack for gale arrow, and just AOE heal through the group.

Last boss has two part. Intermission is the only really hard part you’ll want to sit on your PI and Apotheosis until then. The other parts you’ll get occasional group AOE damage every 20-30s, just be ready to hit the group with heals.

Holy still struggles on fights that are 3.5 min+ log on mana so if your group DPS is slacking you’ll run into problems.

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This is what I’m having an issue with as well, I can handle boss fights fine but once it starts to become long… I run out of mana, all my pots are on cd, defensives are down and then I have nothing else left to rely on.

Do you play holy?
I never played Disc before so your abilities might be different than mine since we both are different specializations.

Don’t be afraid to kill yourself if you’re oom at like 10-15% of boss hp if you have the Afterlife talent because you’ll get 22s of angel form.

Holy has four ways to mitigate.

  1. Pre-PWS yourself before mechanics. PWS can also crit so you can create a 40-60k absorb shield on yourself depending on iLvl.
  2. Translucent Image + Protective Light = 20% self DR every 20-30s.
  3. Desperate Prayer w/ 2 points in Light’s Inspiration increases your hp by 40%. You can pre-Desperate Prayer before tough mechanics or do it after. Symbol of Hope after will reset your Desperate Prayer.
  4. Guardian Spirit. I find myself using Guardians of the Light on Tyrannical weeks because you can G.S. yourself and another person in the group.

What are your thoughts on taking Restitution instead of Miracle Worker? And what mobs do you generally use dominate mind for?

I use Miracle Worker for the extra Holy Words because Restitution is a bit of a clutch. The goal is to not die and if you accidentally die or wipe on trash or something then you just wasted it.

With Dominate Mind I generally use it only in a few dungeons.

  1. Azure Vault → In the ring there’s Crystal Fury mobs that do a nasty frontal for like 300k on tanks. On pulls of 2 of them I dominate mind one of them.
  2. Court of Stars → On 1st boss you can m.c. one of the reinforcements. They despawn after the boss dies so make sure to drop it.
  3. NoK → I MC one of those War Spears on double War Spear packs on Fort weeks because their dot hurts. You can also dominate mind one of the adds on last boss intermission and drop it after they kill 2.
  4. Temple → On that last pack before the final boss I MC one of the minions on the left because they can dark claw the tank for 300k+. If you do that the tank only has to fight 1 at a time.

So how much of a dps gain do you gain from a dominate mind minion? I imagine that it’s pretty minimal (otherwise that would be OP)

Minimal because they revert to basically m0 damage.

Huge disagree there, with restitution you essentially have 45 second uptime of angel form in boss fights. Even if you survived 20 seconds in between the first and 2nd death, that would be 65 seconds of free uptime. Realistically speaking, most boss fights on tyrannical should be 3 mins max. That is 33% of free penalty-free uptime in a boss fight.

I’m pretty sure you can’t enter spirit form again once you respawn again from Restitution. You would have to wait 10 minutes again… unless I am wrong?

I do OK as Disc in keys. It’s not easy if your group isn’t interrupting though - no healer is gonna do particularly well in that situation.

IMHO: Be very proactive as Disc, just accept you’re gonna blow through mana like it’s an energy bar and try to reign in your tank. It’s a flaw with the spec, at least they seem like they’re trying to fix it next update. In the meantime, Shadowbro on cooldown - don’t think of him as just a source of atonement healing, he’s a mana potion on a 3 minute cooldown.

I also really like running with Contrition to make using Penance defensively much less punishing. Sometimes you really gotta pump heals into 1 person, not neglect the other 4 while being unable to stand still AND then do it again 6-7 seconds later. That’s basically Tyrannical Raging Tempest in a nutshell.

EDIT: Sorry, just picked up your holy, not Disc. Just so used to people struggling with Disc, didn’t even occur to me that “Heal” isn’t a Disc Spell.

Well technically holy isn’t in a very good spot either, priests really got back handed slapped this season. Both of there healing specs are mediocre while evokers and druids are having tea parties together.


There’s a few bosses that are close to 4 minutes long on +19s and higher. The worm boss in SBG, 2nd boss in AV, and the last boss in Temple are probably the longest because they all have annoying intermission phases where you can’t hurt them for like 20-30s.

Restitution in itself is merely a crutch. The only way you’re going to die on trash is if you stand where you’re not supposed to be, you get focused fired, or its a wipe anyway. On bosses its the same deal.

Nothing… Its just the way it is right now.

This is false. I’ve tried every key on a +20 this week and they’re all healable on Holy.

The main issue right now is the tuning is out of whack on some dungeons because they’re significantly harder to heal than others.

Guy ask if he is doing something wrong, other guy says no, that’s just the way it is…

Other guy… “this is false” “the main issue is the tuning is out of whack”…


There’s a difference between saying it’s unhealable and some dungeons are harder to heal than others. It takes repetition and learning. Some of these dungeons I only did maybe 2-3 times on other weeks because I was busy farming some other dungeons 10-15 times for specific pieces of loot so now I have to learn them on higher keys.

Also, saying “no, this is the way it is” is simply not productive when you have plenty of others doing the content at higher levels, and will actually teach you how to play better. So you can either self-pity or push yourself to better.

Nobody said this… The OP literally is comparing two dungeons, one he can heal and one he couldnt at the moment and asked if he was doing something wrong… My comments of, no, its just the way it is is VERY productive in that aspect. so…

OP asked a questing of if he was doing something wrong because one dungeon was harder than another… But teach away oh great one…

Self-pity? Push yourself to be better? Who the … are you talking to?

I already did with 3 posts and I’ll happily give advice to anyone that asks.

I wasnt asking… So… you can move on bruh…