How to go to Khaz Algar? Guide

As you might have noticed, the Questzertauren NPC was removed from Stormwind and Orgrimmar. This NPC used to teleport testers to Khaz Algar’s Isle of Dorn.

How do I teleport to Khaz Algar?

  1. When you are in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, you will get a quest onscreen titled: “The War Within” – in this quest, Jaina asks you to come to Silithus.

  2. Go to the Portal Room in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

  3. Take the portal to Caverns of Time.

  4. Turn around in Caverns of Time. The exit is behind you. Fly to Silithus toward the right-side of the giant Sargeras sword.

  5. Talk to Jaina on the west side of the Sword to turn in the quest.

  6. Thrall gives you a quest titled: “Oh, THAT Sword.”

  7. That quest leads you to the Chamber of Heart. Look for the platform on the ground about 50 yards behind Thrall, between Thrall and the giant sword. Enter the Chamber of Heart.

  8. Talk to Magni to turn in the quest.

  9. Pick Magni’s quest titled: “Azeroth’s Voice.” Now click the 3 Chamber Consoles on the west, south, and east of the Chamber of Heart (as seen from the point of view of your minimap). There are 3 yellow dots in the minimap marking their locations. Then talk to Magni and select his dialogue. A cutscene or cinematic should happen here but none is shown (as it is work in progress). Talk to Jaina to turn in the quest.

  10. Talk to Jaina to pick the quest titled: “Painful Lessons.” Jaina teleports away. What to do now? A few yards to the right of where Jaina was standing, there is a Portal to Dalaran. You might not see it immediately because a lot of people are standing near it, but click the portal.

  11. You are now in the Portrait Room of the Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran. Talk to Khadgar to turn in “Painful Lessons.”

  12. Ignore the quest “Memories of Adventures Past” as this is not required to enter Khaz Algaz and you won’t be able to complete that quest now because The Lich King doesn’t spawn in build 55000. Ignore the quest, and pick the quest from Moira Thaurissan near Khadgar.

  13. Pick the quest titled: “The Bronzebeard Family” from Moira. Open the map. Head north and exit the portal. This takes you above to the Dalaran central park. Go to the Dalaran Visitor Center, where the Guild Master NPC is located. You can type: /target Andrew Matthews if you are lost. He will be marked in the minimap when you target him.

  14. Talk to Dagran Thaurissan II. Brann and Dagran leave after a dialogue.

  15. Return to the Portrait Room to turn in the quest.

At this moment, you can see that the Questzertauren NPC has spawned behind Khadgar.

Talk to the Questzertauren NPC to get the “I have my talents set, gear equipped, and I’m ready to adventure in the Isle of Dorn!” dialogue. He teleports you to Isle of Dorn. Click the rocks to remove them from your body. Pick Jaina and Thrall’s quest to start the Khaz Algar questline.

Gameplay video showing all these steps –


Omg thank you. I was so frustrated last night cause I thought we had to do the pre patch stuff first and I just wanted to do the initial stuff started before bed :heart:

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Very welcome. Many in the game are lost now that the NPC is no longer in Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Decided to put together a step by step guide for everyone who comes to the forums.


Does this only work for characters below level 80? I seem only to have the option to create an 80 or start leveling at 1 and can’t copy any characters over from live.


Unfortunately character copies are disabled at the moment. What you can do is, next to “Enter World”, there should be a testing button. If you click that, you can see “Template” which will make a 70 boosted character.
From there you can start the journey :slight_smile:

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The only option I have when I click the testing button is to copy a character.

EDIT: Ah, there we go. I had to try a different server.

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In build 55000, you can only create a premade level 70 character. This might change in a future patch.

The only thing Id add to the above comment is make sure you are playing on one of the two leveling servers. Alleria or Khadgar.


Thanks a lot. This is the info I was missing. The default server when I installed the beta was “these go to eleven” for some reason and it didn’t have the quest when I went out to the sword in sithilis.

When I joined the Khadgar realm I was not only able to find the quest but also copy my level 70 character as opposed to playing on the level80 I got when I joined the default realm.

The quest isn’t being given when i log in

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Same here. I don’t see the quest and I’m in Orgrimmar