Blood dk can hit upwards of 4 million death strikes if all the modifiers align.
There are like 7 different modifiers that make death strike do 985% more dmg
The first, and most important, is sanlayin(Essence of the Blood Queen) stacks. The sanlayin stacks increase haste by 7% and death strike dmg 42% OUTSIDE of DRW.
In DRW(Dancing Rune Weapon) this gets tripled, being a 21% haste increase, and a 126% dmg amp. So if you want to one shot, you NEED to have 7 stacks up.
Optimal BDK gamplay is to rune in with erw and build up stacks by pressing vamp strike until you get 6-7 stacks(7-10 globals). after you’ve done that, you press bone storm and tombstone to instantly get your drw back and NOW is when you can burst.
I see a lot of people disarming me on the first DRW, understand that this does absolutely nothing as vampiric strike(the way you build stacks) cannot be disarmed as it is a physical spell. If you want to slow a bdk down, stun him on the first ERW to prevent them from building stacks(he will ibf insta). You can also try to kite him if u have freedom effects as vampiric strike is 5 yard range.
The second DRW(and onwards presuming the dk doesn’t drop stacks lasts 25 seconds and you have a 35% chance per death strike outside of DRW to get a vamp strike proc, so it does fall off some times if u get ccd a bunch/kited)is when you should play safe. The blood has 3 death strikes that he can rapid fire
If you are below 80% hp, the blood dk can 3 tap you(if they have all the modifiers i mention below) if you are not healed for 2 seconds or don’t have any walls up. At that HP, each death strike hits for about 1.5-2 million. Disarming on the second DRW is very good(especially if your healer just got cced or the dks kt got ccd), as it delays the burst or forces trinket.
^ this is how you outplay the go. either press wall before he dumps the death strikes into you(look at rp bar), cc/kite the dk on the 2nd DRW assuming he has stacks.
The other relevant modifiers are:
hemostasis: blood boil grants stacks per target hit increasing DS dmg by 8% per stack. 40% mod
Heartrend: heart strike can proc a DS mod for 20%. 20% mod
Bloodshot: While blood shield(mastery absorb from DS) is active, you do 25% more phys dmg. Deathstrike is phys dmg. 25% mod
Rune of sanguination: in my calculation about i put this at a 50% mod, because the way it works is that each 1% of ur health that you are missing, death strike does 1% more dmg. at 20% hp this is a 80% mod, at 50% its 50% more dam, at 80% its only 20% more dam.
Visceral Strength: Crimson scourge, rng proc that resets cd on DND when u auto someone with blood plague(blood dk dot) increases strength by 12% for 12 seconds. Perfect to save and use this before you go into DRW window, you also do 5% more dam and have 5% more haste while in your dnd.
Badge: about 12% attack power
If you want to one shot as blood dk get 7 stacks of sanlayin, make sure u have full runic power, then get cc on the enemy healer, stun kill target press DRW and unload 3 deathstrikes