I am on a new toon that I made a week ago. I have access to threads of fate because I beat the shadowlands campaign on a different character however I stopped playing wow about a month into shadowlands so I never got to a point on any character where I went to Zereth Mortis. Is there a port that I can go to or something?
I looked this up the other day because I wanted one of those melty katanas from a rare. Unfortunately I believe you have to finish the campaign, which includes going through Korthia, before you get the breadcrumb that leads into ZM.
Needless to say I did not get a melty katana.
So even though I’ve completed the campaign before on a different character I’m going to have to redo that nightmare again :’( ?
That doesn’t sound right. I had multiple alts farming the World Boss that hadn’t even touched their Covenant campaign.
OP did you try just walking through the portal?
I don’t think so. I think if you’ve finished the campaign on another character, they should have the quest to go to Zereth Mortis available in Oribos, along with the “skip to meeting pocopoc” option
Umm where is said portal haha?
It’s up top with the flight path. Should be at the north end, big gold portal?
You may have to talk to the floaty mask guy in the embassy area first, he’s the key character for skipping any campaign stuff that is skippable.
Ohhhh then you may have to at least play through it once on your main.
When you say “campaign” do you mean just the “base” shadowlands campaign. I never got to Zereth Mortis on any account before. I only played a month of shadowlands :/.
There are shortcuts for alts, but you have to work your way through the content if you haven’t played it before.
Gotcha. Should I go back to my level 60 character that has the original campaign done? Or would it be better to start fresh on a 70 character?
I think you only have to finish the base shadowlands campaign before the quest to Zereth Mortis unlocks. I’m not sure why I think this, but I thought it had something to do with giving a way for players to catch up when shadowlands season 3 started.
Probably this… your main would kill stuff faster, but that’s only part of the time sink. I think you only have to work though the first 3 chapters of chains of domination to start zereth mortis. Then again, I may be confusing that with the skips.
I will look into some things on my old toons that have the base shadowlands campaign done and get back to this after work! Thanks so much for everyone who replied, I really appreciate it