I may not have unlocked deepholm. I cant remember to be honest and i never really enjoyed that one. Twilight highlands is mostly doable without flying, as it was one of the opening zones for cata. Hyjal… honestly dont remember as well. I think i got to the area with the portal back to SW and just left it.
This has been my most successful method, you just have to roll through the quests til it shows up.
I’m on a level 20 looking at Cata zone maps now. They are all marked level 30-35 in red.
If they are able to be unlocked, I’d like to know how. I actually enjoy cata zones, especially Vashj’ir. ducks
I just checked on a level 51 who had never done Vash’jir; went to the Mission Board and clicked on it, the starter quest for the zone popped up straight away. If it doesn’t just keep trying by taking one, dropping it, and trying again.
To avoid this stupid situation, why not just have a field for the expansion you want, pick that and then all the starter quests for the zones there appear.
Im looking at my maps on my trial account and all those zones are explored fully. I might be wrong about how i unlocked em tho. Its been a long time. I might have used the flight maps and just gone there.
Yeah, the Hero Board could use some TLC.
What level was that character?
- Top level for a trial account. I started playing one back in Draenor when there was so little to do, i just was challenging myself to “how far can i push this”.
you can fly there from the top of Dun Morogh with only gaining 1/3 rd of the fatigue bar, you will see an island , go there and all the flight paths show up, on mount fly to the starting quest sea legs, top of Kelp forest
Showing up as a Horde level 50 (after being summoned), I went to the boat and there were no npc’s there, no quest.
I just had a level 33 fly a level 20 to Hyjal. The 33 had a quest displaying in Nordrassil. The 20 showed none. The mobs were level 33 to the 33. All mobs showed as ?? to the level 20.
I think you are misremembering something.
You’re aware that a trial account is something different from a starter account, right?
I really is unreasonably complicated to access some old content. I love the concept of Chromie Time, but the whole system needs some serious refinement.
I feel like they merged together Classic and Cataclysm content because it would have been a bit awkward designing a panel with an odd number of zones.
Now I’m feeling like I have to see if I can figure out how to get there. But all my max level toons have already been through Cata, so maybe I’ll have to level up one of my newer alts to see what goes on. In any case, this absolutely shouldn’t be such an issue. Players should be able to go to whatever content they want–especially on a max level character.
Thank you for checking!
And thank you for the rest of you for checking as well. I can’t use the portal and don’t see a pickup quest. I even dove down into the sea near where the shipwreck is in the hopes of seeing a pickup quest but no such luck. I’ll try some of the suggestions here and see if anything comes up.
Cataclysm Chromie.
I know that if you select Cata from Chromie on a low level character it does direct you to “Classic” zones. Which technically makes sense since those were part of the Cata revamp. They are part of that story. And I assume there was some thought process around letting us loose in the “new” Cata zones before we are able to fly (level 30). Most of those zones are built with flying in mind. But vash’jir certainly wasn’t. So why not let us start there?
The mobs don’t scale down to low levels.
Not sure if people mentioned above, but Vash is easy to get to.
Go to Stormwind harbour, and from the lighthouse fly NW. You should hit Vash prior to fatigue kicking in - particularly with 310 speed.