How to get to Silvermoon City from Stormwind?

Hi all.

I’ve played Wow on and off for about 10 years, and have never ever been to Silvermoon City. I’ve googled, but the search results are from 2011 and do not help.

How can I get to Silvermoon from Stormwind in 2019? I’ve got the Draenor expansion.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I found the below. I’ll follow the instructions and see how I go.

For the Alliance (FOR THE ALLIANCE!! :slight_smile: ) There are two good options.

  1. Just use the portal from the north of Eastern Plaguelands to Ghostlands and ride your mount to the north until you reach Eversong Woods and continue to ride.
  2. There is an only one flight point in Quel’thalas that Alliance players can reach near the dungeon of Zul’aman, you can ride to that flight point from anywhere in eastern kingdoms and then mount up to the north.
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You would be better off rolling a level 1 blood elf and touring the city at your lesiure.
Silvermoon is in a no-fly zone with only one external entrance with half dozen horde npcs just in side the main entrance.

Your other alternative is to take the portal located just off the Undercity courtyard. That will dump you in a spire at the back of Silvermoon city but there’s a gauntlet of npcs to run to get out of the spire.

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Alliance haven’t been able to use the portal in the Undercity ruins for quite some time. It’s faction-locked to Horde now. The only practical way we can get to Silvermoon is by running through the Ghostlands (the Quel’danas route requires swimming through a fatigue zone, iirc - I’ve never chosen to take that route, myself).


Thanks for the replies.

I ended up taking a flight from stormwind to Eastern Plaguelands, then running north until I reached Silvermoon. I tried to walk in and got killed by the guard NPCs.

Luckily I do have a low level horde toon, so I will use it to have a nice stroll around the city.