How to get to Hyjall?

I have a new alliance I am levelling through to 120 are a boost. How do I get to Hyjall or any zone on Kalimdor now?

  1. Boralus
  2. Portal to Darnassus (will take you to either the city or Darkshore, depending on phase.
  3. Fly.


Lighten up Francis, I didn’t notice the “alliance part at first”, just saw the char being posted on.

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Left at Albuquerque

Edit: Derp. Answered for the wrong faction.

That’ll go swimmingly.

OP – should be a portal in the northern-ish portion of Stormwind that takes you directly to it.

In the northern part of Stormwind is a pond with an island in it. The cata portals, like the one to hyjal, are still on it.

Both capital cities have portals that go there

Hey, you rarely make this kind of mistake. I’mma take what I can get. :stuck_out_tongue:

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