How do you get to darkshore from stormwind now that boats and portal are gone?
The portal is still there at the end of the jetty. The one where the boats leave for Waking Shore
It is not there for me. I’ve tried rebooting the game with no luck. Anything else I can do? Is there a cache to clean perhaps?
If you can get to the Exodar, there’s a boat that goes to Darkshore from there.
Take the portal to the Caverns of Time then fly to Lor’danel?
I’m in the mage tower and none of the portals are working there either although I can see them. Oh well, maybe tomorrows downtime patch will fix it for me. Thanks everyone
I’m not sure if this last patch changed something, but there were several ways to get to Darkshore.
Port to Boralus and portal to Darkshore when Alliance has control.
Port to Exodar and take a flight path.
Port to Hyjal and fly yourself over.
Talk to the SW dockmaster to teleport to Darnassus then fly down.
I think you have to swim for it now.
I just logged on to my lvl 18 Gnome and there was no portal in Stormwind for Danassus until I change Chromie time to Legion. Maybe try that and see what happens.
Yes, changing to Legion worked! Ty!
Are you playing that lvl 19? Cos that may have something to do with it.
Nobody’s avatar should be that cool.
there’s a boat from Menethil harbor. North dock I beleive.
There’s also the Darkshore portal in Bel’ameth - which is super convenient with the Stormwind portal to Bel’ameth itself.
Does the portal at the SW docks change based upon the bronze dragon setting in Darkshore?
Sometimes I see the portal and sometimes I don’t I have wondered if it depends on the character level or is it just one more massive bug in the system?
Timewalk Legion or before.