How to get to badlands as horde

I’m a new hardcore player. I’m looking for advice on how to get to badlands as a horde lvl 44 warlock.

Take the Zeppelin to Undercity, run to Tarren Mill, across Arathi Highlands, down through the Wetlands, through Loch Modan and into the Badlands. Try to avoid the alliance towns in Hillsbrad, Arathi and Loch Modan.

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What about the guards in the tunnel to loc??

Thank you!

There aren’t any. There’s only the one guard at the very top and he’s no threat to a level 44. There’s a guard tower near the exit into Loch Modan but it can be avoided.

The only other way that the Badlands can be got to is through Searing Gorge. Loch Modan is your only other path by land. Unless there’s some weird teleport that I don’t know about.

I am terrified of searing gorge at this level. I saw a video of the caster elements dragons fire ball hitting for 800

Searing Gorge isn’t a real option. I was only mentioning it, because it’s the only other zone that borders the Badlands.

Thanks for the heads up. I will finish the chains I’m on outside of zf then head over there.

So I went and looked it up, there IS a teleporter I forgot about. The Teleporter from Booty Bay which takes you to Gnomeregan.

You can go from Gnomeregan, out into Dun Morogh, into Loch Modan into the Badlands.

This pathway has more potential guards, but is faster.

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There are (level ~30) guards in the tunnels and if they hit you even once you will be pvp flagged while running through loch modan, and good chance at this point there’s a 60 who will gank you if you’re on at prime time.

You can just use lesser invis pots etc to run by them though. You can also just wait for their pathing since they will be grey to a 40+ but it’s a bit risky.

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Thank you for the update. It sounds like I will be investing in some lesser invisibility potions as I have recently completed all yellow quest in kal

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Bring invisibility potions to get by the patrolling guards in the tunnel. Or wing it and just keep running.

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Ran it last night as a 38 undead warrior.
Used one invis pot to get by first guard, but was off CD for second.
At 38, I could hug the wall and the patrolling NPC did not aggro.
For the guards outside the entrance/exits, I was able to hop along the wall’s ledge to skirt around the outside and not aggro any gaurds.

So I would say at 38, you can get there without aggroing gaurds, without using invis pots.

When I ran this on my hunter, I did get attacked by a guard and was flagged. Luckily no higher levels were around / seen to he made it to Badlands anyway.