How to get the Lunarwing druid form in Shadowlands?

Preordered Dragonflight and decided to use my boost on a new druid.

Looking up guides and Blizzard patch notes, it says you be eligible you need to have completed the achievement “Breaching the Tomb” on at least one character (completed on this character) and even shows on my druid’s achievement page as completed since 2017, And the other requirement is to complete your orderhall class campaign, so I did the chore of doing that including the annoying hours worth of follower missions, and just about an hour ago completed everything including getting the title of Archdruid and the achievements A Glorious Campaign and Forged for Battle as proof of completion.

However things seem to have gone completely cold after that… Apparently the next step is a quest called Talon’s Call, however this quest is not available in the druid order hall nor on the Broken Shore (which wowhead shows where it’s located).

So I am at a loss… Am I missing something?

I figured out what was missing, turns out Khadgar has a quest (#3 below) which was not listed as a requirement by Blizzard or guides available online, so I am putting this guide here in case other new druids stumble upon this:

  1. Have at least 1 character that has completed the campaign achievement “Breaching the Tomb”.
  2. Complete your Druid Class Orderhall Questline (chores).
  3. Get the quest from Khadgar on the Broken Shore “Champions of Legionfall” and Thisalee Crow should be waiting for you in your Orderhall with a Quest chain which upon completion you recruit her as a follower.
  4. Upon Completion of all of the above, Travel Back to the Broken Shore and grab the new quest chain waiting for you, “Talon’s Call” to get your Lunarwing form.

First comment here seems to be your answer, and it’s probably not what you want to hear. Sounds like the achievement has to be done on each specific character.


As far as I know, every character has to unlock and complete the quest lines on Broken Shore.

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There was a Blizzard patch that removed this requirement during Shadowlands back in 9.1.5:

Under the ITEMS AND REWARDS section:

  • Players now only need to complete the achievement Breaching the Tomb on one character per account to begin the Legion class mount quests on the Broken Shore. Each character must still complete their class hall campaign, complete quests, and recruit their final order hall champion.
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Oh well that’s good news. Still, that makes this a real mystery then. The third comment down on that wowhead page I linked has a thought at the end of their post, after “P.S.” which might lead you somewhere. Talking about if you accidentally dropped a quest chain at some point.

Oh I figured it out… Turns out dumb Khadgar standing there has a quest called “Champions of Legionfall” which is to go to your orderhall to recruit a champion… And upon completing this, you finally get the quest for the Lunarwing questchain.

So if anybody sees this who too boosted or leveled a druid post 9.1.5, and are wondering how to get your Lunarwing and the outdated guides online and find wowhead comments aren’t helpful, here’s how to get your Lunarwing post 9.1.5:

  1. Have at least 1 character that has completed the campaign achievement “Breaching the Tomb”.
  2. Complete your Druid Class Orderhall Questline (chores).
  3. Get the quest from Khadgar on the Broken Shore “Champions of Legionfall” and Thisalee Crow should be waiting for you in your Orderhall with a Quest chain which upon completion you recruit her as a follower.
  4. Upon Completion of all of the above, Travel Back to the Broken Shore and grab the new quest chain waiting for you, “Talon’s Call” to get your Lunarwing form.
  5. Visit a barbershop to apply (or remove) the Lunarwing flight form.

Tip: Once you have your Lunarwing form, you must visit a barbershop to either apply or remove the Lunarwing form.


Defense of Aviana is part of the lunarwing quest chain though I think. Comes after Talon’s Call. Sounds like you might be already into it.

It’s a brand new follower not tied to the original stuff specifically for the class mounts.

No that quest has always been there. We just all had to complete the Broken Shore campaign before.

There, I edited my previous comment, made a guide for future prosperity and made new comments on wowhead for the lunarwing item and talon’s call quest :stuck_out_tongue: for new future druids to hopefully stumble upon who are lost as a result of outdated guides/comments.


Your effort is hugely appreciated! :two_hearts:

I can change the lunarwing form coz i applied at the barber shop. but it can’t carry a passenger.
no glyph effect are applied.
completed all the achievement and quests that required.
Any help?