How to get the intro video to stop playing?t

Every single time I log in that video plays. I don’t even want it to autoplay. I know I can hit ESC but that isn’t the point.

How do I get it to NEVER play again when I login?


It should auto skip it as soon as you logged in once to your account. It usually plays after a fresh install and no other time.

How are you getting into the game? Is it through the BNet client or opening the .exe on it’s own and then signing in after?


Sounds like Wow is not running in Admin mode. There for it cant write properly to the files it needs to for the video to be flagged as “already watched”


Also make sure your first log out is by /quit or /camp. If it’s forced, by altf4 or using the x to close the app, it might not save the config file.


I am having the same issue. I always log out by going through the menu.

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I’m seeing some instances of windows update setting some folders as read only, but it’s causing other issues, not just this.

You should be able to manually edit in the install folders, if it’s still happening I’d put in a bug report.


That did not work for me just FYI


Mine shows 13 and does not play.

Make sure you’re modifying the correct file.

I’ve also seen situations where people have had multiple copies of the game installed, which was causing issues.

You can also ensure your account has read write access to the entirety of the WoW folder.

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Here is what it says:

SET playIntroMovie “13”

Still plays

It’s in retail/WTF/

Man, I wish I knew. I did have a second WOW folder from an older installation which I have deleted. All Blizzard games are installed in a /Blizzard folder. My playinfomovie there was 13. I reset it to 11 and that causes the main cinematic to play. After that plays the playintromovie is reset to 13. But the intro movies still plays every single time a char logs in.

Same here. Won’t stop playing.

With the game completely exited, and the launcher as well, reboot your computer, right click on the launcher and select to Run as Administrator. That should cause the system to accept your fix once you close the game normally, not a hard close.

I was having the same issue, kept trying to change the numeric setting in the file, but it would reset it every time. After some frustration, I found another that I deleted. Started the game, escaped out of the cinematic, logged in, exited, went back in and… BAM! no more cinematic.
So, if you’re having the same issues, make sure you don’t have another config file that’s in the same general path.


this is happening to me, too. all of my ui settings were also completely different when i logged back in just now.

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