How to get second pet? Demo lock

Hi, new to demo lock and had a question. I’ve seen a vid on youtube of a demo lock running two pets (one felguard and another big looking monstrosity dude). I thought at first it was just a random pet that leaves but it just stayed out. Is there a way to have two pets like this? If so, how? Thank you!

That’s the tyrant it’s a big cd spell

But doesn’t the tyrant disappear after some time? This demon just stayed out so I’m really confused. It was an abomination type pet. Thank you!

Probably a necrolord with the bodyguard. Demo locks (locks period) don’t get two permanent pets.

Bodyguard? Oh you mean in the necrolord area you get a new bodyguard pet? That makes sense! Dude I saw was in his necro covenant hall. Does it only appear when you’re in maldraxxus? Thanks!

I don’t have a necro character, but I’m fairly certain it follows you anywhere in Slands.

Would be nice to have 2 pets baseline tho. I’d play demo then

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When we have hunters who can turtle and summon there pet in 3 sec? They too are a pet class with 2 pets at once, can we at the very LEAST get a 3 sec cast timer as well? This is insane, Hunters are already a represented well in arenas, locks are not. Some damn love please.