How to get Notorious Gladiator’s Weapons?


I found a dagger model that I really enjoy, but I don’t know how to obtain it and no website can give me any information. It’s the Notorious Gladiator’s Stabber. The appearance tab says it’s gained by a quest, but I’m not sure which one. Is this still obtainable in 8.3?

I don’t think you can anymore, until they deign to put vendors in for old season appearances.

Yeah the quest you could obtain it from was called “Conquest reward”. This is a quest you get every single week on any 120 character to cap your conquest to 500. Once you hit 500, you get a quest to turn in and the first week of any PVP season is always a weapon first.

Notorious was last season.

If this isn’t obtainable it shouldn’t be listed under appearances.


Of course it should. It may come back as part of an ensemble, or (who knows?) a PvP vendor. And the folks who earned it certainly want it listed. And frankly, tailoring the appearances UI to each distinct player’s specific “can and can’t” would be a massive waste of development effort more profitably spent on fixing actual bugs or developing interesting content.

So every other item that is unobtainable shouldn’t appear there as well? It’s not there to rub it in your face. It just a good way to show what can be used in-game or does exist within the game, without needing to go to an outside source. It’s a HUGE step from what we used to have.

I personally think ensembles are going to continue to be released once it’s no longer current content, like how Legion was and the fact that other old content also got that attention for ensembles.

However, it’s not that hard to also type the name of item you’re interested in through google with “WoW” at the end and you’ll find multiple pages from various sites that tell you how to get the item if you truly want to know(I prefer WoWhead).

If you cannot get something because you were not active while it was available, that’s essentially where the exclusivity of actively playing comes from. Not everyone can get everything and it can suck, but you’re not alone in that. Everyone has to deal with this.

Except not every unobtainable appearance is shown. Old Elite PVP sets don’t show up under appearances unless you already have them. Why would this be any different?

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Then you’re just being nitpicky. You are more than welcome to make a suggestion to have them appear there(or not). Not every single item will appear there, but considering the item you did mention was only from last season, a few weeks ago, that wouldn’t fit this situation and it’s not an elite appearance. It is very likely not going to be made obtainable in the near future just like previous seasons.

You can get the Notorious Glad weapon set from a pvp vendor. Vendor in Dazralor (BFA) coords 51.58