I took a friend to get her flying disk and we did all the scrolls listed. She is still 9k away from Exalted. Anybody know where to get Lorewalker rep? We did a couple quests and still no rep. We are hunting down in the Krasarang area.
I dont know/remember but in posting so i can notified if you get an answer.
Check your mailbox. Every achievement step for visiting the scrolls gets you a quest item sent in the mail. You get to exalted by finishing those quests (I think all it entails is turning those items in to Lorewalker Cho).
We did all that and she still 9k short of Exalted.
OK thanks. Seems they added 3 more scrolls in the Isle of thunder.
I had a feeling that might the culprit.
Also, if that still doesn’t work, you can get rep tokens during Pandaria Timewalking: https://www.wowhead.com/item=93230/grand-commendation-of-the-lorewalkers
Ok thanks all. They added 12 scrolls in the Thunder Isles.
Gather the scrolls. You get rep that way and it is fairly easy. Download the addon, it is either tom tom or handy notes, can’t remember, but it will mark all the locations on your map.
If I remember correctly, you get a nice chunk of xp too.