How to get Dread Gladiator's gear now?

Now that BFA Season 2 has started (Sinister’s) I am interested in how to get last season’s Dread Gladiator’s gear, first to collect the transmog, and second because I hope the outdated gear will be easier to get than the current season (hopefully via gold or mark of honor?)

If it’s not available yet, is there any precedent for when blizzard makes the previous season available? There doesn’t seem to be pvp gear vendors anymore, so I don’t know what to expect. I hope that it’s not gone for good.

Ion said in the last Q&A that PvP Vendors were too complicated for us and weren’t coming.


What? Really? They’ve always supported access to transmog on previous pvp seasons

Yes but Ion thinks we’re all stupid and can’t find a vendor.


Pretty sure the vendor not comingnis for current pvp gear. I’m sure marks will allow the purchase of previous ensembles. When they get around to it. Right now there’s more pressing things they are behind on.


I guess the next question then is how do I target specific pvp gear slots? If I know the shoulders has azerite qualities do I need how do I get the shoulders?

If it’s all a slot machine, are you at least guaranteed not to loot the same pvp slot twice, so I know I’d eventually get shoulders?

Nah. Can’t target. It’s all random.

Like this.


That’s weird usually we get the outdates transmog for honor tokens.

Nope. No Dupe Protection at all. That I can see.

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You can wait until they come up as the weekly conquest reward which I think is in like 3-4 weeks or just pray you get them as a reward from arena or BG’s.

The old set? you don’t lol

you either wait for shoulder week on the conquest schedule, pray to the chest god, get lucky end of match, or hunt in pve

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