You have to do it ALL not just intro stuff.
Sounds like you haven’t actually unlocked the maw yet. You need to continue the campaign.
Aww you ARE a Cutiee! Very cute mode, good job
You have to go to Maldraxxus and get the quest to get their Baron out from the Maw.
Gotta be 60 and have done the storyline fully on another character already, so no longer for leveling.
Does this apply even if you have already completed the campaign fully on a main? My alt Hunter is just getting funneled into Campaign and no option to SKIP WTFFFF???
Yes it does…you had to already put your alts into SL and took on threads of fate to use it…now you have to do everything like your main had too…
After running at least one character on your account through completion of SL, Threads of Fate is totally available for level 60 alts, i.e., don’t go there before level 60.
talk to chromie in Org to start campaign
you have to be same on the lvl with the flight path and jump in the middle i just did it
You gota goto the lower floor and jump in middle
Sprays Baleel with water Bad necromancer bad!
Sprays Bruuzz with water Bad necromancer junior, bad!
I’m about to bring out the chanclas from now on, I don’t think water is doing the trick anymore.
Blizzard really needs to stop creating complicated quest chains gating access to things. No one is going to bother going through all that when it’s no longer current and all the content it gates is pretty much lost to a huge chunk of players.