So I have been reading up on how to get the Heart of Corruption hidden artifact appearance and have ran into a problem. I have Nat Pagle’s Guide to Extreme Anglin’ and A Thoroughly Read Copy of "Nat Pagle’s Guide to Extreme Anglin’. I also have Nefarian’s Head. I went to talk to Sister Elda and she is not handing over the book I need in exchange for the two books I have. Per what I have read on a few different sites she is supposed to. Currently my toon is level 50 and I have at least full filled the initial campaign. I read that artifact knowledge is no longer an issue but being at least 110 was. The level cap is now 60 and again I am level 50. There are no new comments on the web past 2016 and definitely nothing for this year regarding this problem. Please please please help if you are able to. I even went so far as to submit a help ticket for this and have gotten no where.
I am having the same issue. They said check the forums and I did nothing on it being removed or kept