How to get 2x Arena Masters using Layering

If only fans cried out against this when Blizzard announced it… oh wait they did but Blizzard doesn’t listen.


And why should they now that most have accepted it.
The fear of “dead realms” and “days waiting in the queue” won the hearts of many.

As long as people accept it and play the game Blizzard has lost NOTHING.

I thought arena trinkets wouldnt be around till phase 2? Or are they testing content past p1?

Maybe make it so someone can only loots one arena master trinket per a certain period of time.

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This is practically a dead server if u compare it to live classic, Then how is this going to work out when u have 6x the population thinking of doing the same thing.

Some people are really pathetic not think things through.

This absolutely should not be possible, Blizzard…


if you were aware of what CRZ allowed when it first came in you would not be surprised one bit.

Server hopping and server hopping addons allowed players to just jump from server to server farming rares, getting resources, etc. Lasted all the way up until Legion when they changed it to group members needing a proximity for joining together.

I use to do the same thing with 3 of my irl buddies in MoP. We would all hunt for the guys that dropped the dinosaur mounts and invite each other to our server after we found one. increased our odds 3x.

This doesn’t prevent other layering misuse such as farming nodes, chests, or rares.


Oh yes…I remember that. I also checked out that one spot by the beach where he spawned.

Flying helped so much with that.

I am just happy they will have layering so I can hide from Venruki - the guy is a killer.

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There’s a lot to unpack here.

Firstly - They did not say they would remove layering “after phase 1”. They said that their goal is “a few weeks, certainly before the end of phase 1”. These are not equivalent statements.
Second - This is not sharding, and we are not seeing sharding anywhere. We certainly are not seeing it everywhere.
Third - The alpha server characters arriving onto the PVP server was a bug with the dev server, which has been fixed. It does not mean that CRZ intentionally exists, nor does it mean that CRZ will exist at release. Bugs happen in alpha and beta.

It would be just like vanilla though.

Dead realms happened in vanilla well before that (~1.3) and will probably happen in Classic well before that without something in place to mitigate it.

I know my realm had server migrations before BWL hit. I believe it was just after DM release.

They already said the alpha hopping was a bug, and was fixed. Don’t be dumb.

Feralas, Tanaris, Winterspring.

Are you saying that if I want to group with someone I have to walk 10 minutes back to town just so Actiblizz can keep layering without exploits? Your idea is terrible, accept it.

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As opposed to? Work on the assumption that layering isn’t going to magically disappear and pitch an idea that’s better on how to mitigate what makes it troublesome.

I’m not sure why people would be upset with Venruki, this is literally the point of a beta.

I already know it isn’t going to go away. If Classic launches with Layering it is here to stay regardless of what some people want or say.

I’m just saying that trying to stop grouping exploits by gating content(disallowing grouping outside of towns is a HUGE gate) is a terrible idea. I don’t have a solution that Actiblizz is likely to take though(remove layering/sharding, group servers to avoid duplicate names and merge as needed later).

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this will probably be fixed, but its not even a big deal tbh

i wouldnt care at all if it goes live