How to fix Warrior

I highly doubt that. You wouldn’t walk into work and say, “Hey this thing you spent a ton of time on is awful, and this is how you fix it”, let alone in something as collaborative heavy as Game Development.

You also lack reading comprehension skills and can’t hold a conversation with points people are talking about. For example…

This comment still ignores the point I’m making. Players do not like Dead GCDs in their rotation. Removing slam without adding something else would result in GCDs where nothing happens.

Its not about them fixing Arms in HFC. It’s about avoiding empty GCDs where players aren’t pressing buttons too frequently. Without slam you could have portions of your rotation where you just don’t press a button for roughly 4 seconds. That was the point I was making when I talked about WoD Arms, and than clarified specifically about the portion of the expansion I was referring to.

If a talent is good in all content, it no longer becomes a choice. That’s already a problem that you’ve already pointed out that the Warrior Class tree already has an issue with. Why wouldn’t you want a more nebulous talents that’s only good in specific scenarios, so that we can actually have some freedom in the tree?

Obviously Blizzard disagrees here.

You can thank the Unpruning during Shadowlands for that. People wanted classes to be classes and not three separate mini-classes that don’t share spells. Even some Warriors pointed out that it was silly that they forgot how to spin in a circle just because they specced Arms or Prot.

You haven’t. You’ve stated, “Bake the damage into the other abilities” but have yet to make point a of what you do with the empty GCDs left behind by removing Slam.

Is it bad now? Or just not taken because of routing in our class tree? Wrecking Throw would find use in Stone Vault, Anub’ar Palace (Silken Court & Queen Ansurek), Mists of Tirna Scithe, and Necroic Wake. All of thoes have important shields that need to be broken ASAP. The only reason we can’t take those talents, despite us taking them in Dragonflight, is our talent tree pathing. That’s not a problem with Wrecking Throw. That’s a problem with class tree design.

So adding more baseline mobility is not the answer. That just creates mobility creep where every ranged player that’s not a Mage (and this has happened before in the past) gets run over.

Arms has bleeds in its kit, but its largely something that’s very passive outside of Rend and Skullsplitter. Moving damage away from the few bleeds we have, means your damage output becomes 0 when forced away from a target. I wouldn’t call Arms a bleed spec, just like I wouldn’t call Destruction Warlock a dot spec because they maintain Immolate on a target. Bleeds play a part of Arms’ damage profile, but by no means is it a dot or a bleed class.

If you actually had some coherent criticism it might. Here let me give you an example.

This doesn’t do a good job of explaining the rage economy issue or even the issues you have with it. Rewording what you’re saying to be,

"I’ve found that as Arms, despite the changes made in TWW from Dragonflight, I’m still having issues with Rage Economy. In PvE, sometimes I don’t have enough rage to perform my rotation (usually around the execute phase). Other times I have too much rage and can’t find a way to spend it due to Martial Prowess procs or a lucky string of critical strikes. This also changes tremendously depending on if I have the Shaman buff Skyfury, or if I spec into Skullspliter.

This issue makes me feel like I don’t have control or mastery over my specialization. It can feel like I’m doing everything right, but either end up with a capped rage bar I can’t spend, or not enough rage to do maintain my standard rotation."

Notice how I specifically cited scenarios on when Rage was an issue and when it wasn’t? Notice how I didn’t state an absolute and specifically cited my own experiences and no one elses? Notice how I mentioned influences from other aspects of the game (Such as having a Shaman buff you)? Notice how I used descriptor words about how that makes me feel versus just calling it “A joke”?

That’s how you give impactful feedback that gets heard by the developers.

We’ve already discussed the fact that this talent is currently being explored by M+ DPS Arms Warriors.

But that’s your own opinion, not an absolute. I personally have no problem with Champion’s Spear now that we don’t have to stand in the Spear to get the bonus effects of Champion’s Might. I also used it a lot in Shadowlands, and even a few times in Dragonflight during mythic progress. You can say, “I don’t like Champion’s Spear.” You can’t claim, “Literally nobody asked for champion’s spear to remain a part of our talents.”

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