How to Fix Shadowlands, increase growth rate, & save your game

Bring back 10 man “max difficulty raiding”.

Can’t say “mythic” otherwise the trolls will chime in “10 man mythic never existed”. True. However, prior to the introduction of the mythic difficulty, 10 man heroic was in the game and shared the same difficulty and loot reward (ilvl/gearscore levels) as 25man heroic.

Your welcome Blizz. Game saving algorithm provided in one sentence. You can contact me for my million dollar bonus through the email attached to my Blizzard profile.


I don’t agree, having an additional fixed-size difficulty doesn’t do enough to solve the problem.

As a Cutting Edge Mythic GM, one of the worst parts about Mythic is that you need more than 20 people on the roster in order to raid, but can’t bring everyone to actually raid because the instance caps out at 20. So there are always people who can’t play.

Most teams (including us) rotate people on fights so everyone gets to play in time, but sitting there while your friends play isn’t fun.

They solved this for all the other difficulties by having raids scale with size, they should just have Mythic scale with size as well. Not just 20-man and 10-man, but numbers in-between and above that, too.



They can’t.

Nah, rofl what % of the playerbase do you think engages in Mythic raiding? Hint: it’s tiny and extremely over-represented here on the Blizzard forums.

What Blizzard needs to do to ‘save’ the game is stop wasting unfathomable amounts of dev time on disposable borrowed power systems each expansion, and instead use that time to increase the size, diversity and frequency of content drops.

Casual and solo players need far more to do than grind anima. M+ players need a far better Valor system than the one we got (a vendor would be a good start). Raids need to be tested far more extensively (and ready to launch far sooner) than CN was a few weeks before it dropped.

Torghast needs to be completely overhauled - it could be an excellent way for casual and solo players to progress, and should have some kind of gear drops added. It’s bosses should be adjusted so that they can always be solo’d (no boss for example should have a kickable life steal ability that it casts every 4s or so, assuming that every person who comes across it will be in a group of 5 with enough kicks and/or damage to burn through it).

Those are just off the top of my head having given it about 1m of thought.

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Historically, it varies by raid tier, but tends to come in around 20%. According to datamining sites like worldofwargraphs.

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I mean I think that might fix problems for a guild or two because of sub numbers dropping.


You’re correct, but we’ve been suggesting that since Shadowlands alpha and Blizzard isn’t interested.

It’s kind of surprising to me that Blizzard haven’t yet worked out that there is basically nobody that would prefer the current Covenant system to a more ‘open’ one where you could more easily swap when you want. Or even better, one where power was completely removed from the choice and your choice just boiled down to story experience and cosmetics.

Before Shadowlands came out there were a lot of loud-mouths on the forum defending the 1-covenant system. They kept insisting that the covenants would all be “within 1% of each other” in terms of performance.

But mostly they liked the system because raiders were very vocal about its flaws, and those people absolutely hate raiders. As long as raiders are unhappy, they don’t care if they themselves are happy or not.

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I’m just baffled someone thinks that would curb the drop off and or disdain for this expansion. I do however have a sinking feeling for 10.0 but I won’t be playing it.

Our guild would jump to mythic if it wasnt for the fact we need 20 people. We have too many on raid team

They save the game by adding more content. Not more systems, or changes to raid sizes, more content. These never ending droughts do more damage than anything else imo.

You can already do 15 man.
Why not 40 man with low need of personal responsability?
It might surprise you but a lot of people that left don’t care about raiding. Or dont want to dance every boss fight for everything.
They would prolly come back for player housing lol.

The ONLY reason my guild doesn’t raid mythic is because we don’t have 20 raiders. Our raid group is typically 15, give or take 2 or 3. If we could do the mythic raid scaled for raid size, we would. It’s that simple…and it would keep us engaged with the raid for another 6-8 weeks of tier progression.

We’d get better for having access to it, as well.

The forums have a very skewed idea of what mythic raiders are like. As with every other piece of content in the game, there is a spectrum of personality and approach, even with mythic raiding. You have the friends & family CE guilds who progress without urgency or strict schedules, and so if the image you have of mythic raiding is the guys who compete for world first…that’s not all there is. Not by a long shot.

There are more mythic raiders than you think, and if mythic raiding were opened up to smaller raid sizes, there would be a lot more.

This won’t solve the problem. Thanks though.